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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Welcome to The Realm

Hello everyone and welcome to the home of the Blood Guard. This site is your guide through The Realm and will make it easier for first time readers to know just who the characters are, where they are from, and the inspiration behind each character.

As time goes by, more information will be added to the guide including, but not limited to, locations, artifacts, personal histories for each character, the separate factions within the Guard, family trees, education systems, training and mentoring, and so much more!

Make certain to follow the site, so you can receive notifications about the newest additions and feel free to leave comments on any post. The feedback you provide may just spark an idea for a new event, locale, character, or even a brand new world!

Please note that all images and depicted characters are owned by their respective companies/individuals. Some of the plotline is used as the initial base, but any variation from the original source belongs to me and my sister. All changes made to the original characters are also of our design.

If you wish to utilize any of the information contained within this site, please credit the source and creators. In addition, either post a comment on the site or contact us, so that we can totally read/view your awesomeness and make a special announcement when your works are posted/published and where to find them.

One final note before I start generating/posting character profiles...*sighs* My sister has requested that I post a poem that I had written quite some time ago, but remarkably still holds true today.

I, Tina Craven better known as Artz Lanaria, presents the poem simply known as Faces.

Everyone has two faces, One during the day, The other they hide in the shadows.

Everyone has secrets, everyone tells lies,
To cover up their fear and ultimate demise.

What people see is not always true,
But how can you tell...cuz you do it too.

1 comment:

  1. Just a thought, but could there maybe be a bow guard? With advanced technology infused bows and arrows?

    Love your ideas! :)
