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Friday, September 27, 2019

The Captains - Basic Profiles

Hello everyone and welcome to the post dedicated to the group known as The Captains. Be advised that there will undoubtedly be some spoilers for both Stardust and their personal origin stories. Why because I'm like a runaway train with no brakes and I have a hard time shutting up about the things i am passionate about. The Captains are actually the core of the chronicles. Their influence is felt all along the Star Child's time line and they have the greatest impact on her life.

As stated in The Deathly Hollows post, The First Captain does not truly appear until Book 2, but his influence is still somewhat felt within Stardust. Due to his inability to exist in the same universe as her younger self, it does prevent him from interfering... mostly. The Hollows will make something of an impact but only at certain points. Now then, I'm going with Shadow's original intro for this one.

First Captain and Leader of the Blood Guard, The Hollow of Destruction, The Fallen One. He is Shadow of the Prism Guard and he is her Dark Champion.

Please Note: That this was the original and the Hollow version is the new one; however, given that I'm a woman and changing our minds is in the job description, it might bounce back and forth or simply be edited again.

Second Captain of the Blood Guard, Commander of the Assault Corps, The Lightning Fang. He is Light of the Prism Guard and he is her light in the darkness.

Please Note: The true meaning for the phrase 'her light in the darkness' is 'her hope in the midst of despair'. More on this at a later date.

Third Captain of the Blood Guard, Commander of the Shield Corps, The Terror of the Deep. He is Poseidon of the Prism Guard and he is her shield.

Please Note: Depending on which story you read because believe me, there are several being written between my sister and I, the phrase 'he is her shield' is often replaced with 'he is her God of the Sea'. These stories usually do not have their Hook counterpart unless otherwise stated.

Fourth Captain of the Blood Guard, Captain of the Jolly Roger, The Scourge of the Sea. He is Hook of the Prism Guard and he is her captain.

Note: His intro actually changed only once and that was to make him the fourth and not the third. The reason for the change was because I had finally sorted out his origin story and in doing so, he became the person she trusted completely.

The key distinction between the Third and Fourth Captains is the eye color. Apart from that, they are physically identical. Finding a decent eye changing app has proven... troublesome, so I apologize if their eyes don't appear to be real. This particular program has the simplest and easiest interface, but lacks some of the more advanced options. To confirm, Poseidon has vibrant ocean blue eyes and Hook has mirrored obsidian eyes aka Black Eyeshine Riddick.

Now onto some details. As stated, the First Captain does not make an 'actual' appearance in Stardust...for now, still in progress...but he can use his power without causing him and the Star Child to attract like magnets. This ability is mainly used on a certain military commander that works for the Cabal...more on that organization later.

Imagine for a moment that you are standing in front of this commander and you just happen to look down at his feet. His shadow has become pitch black and a pair of glowing red eyes is looking up at him from the darkness. He looks down and sees the eyes, but is unable to move because a pair of pale white hands grabs his ankles from within the darkness, freezing his feet on contact. Then black feathers and white snow flakes erupt from the darkness, swirling around him. Mere moments later, chains of black smoke ensnare him as a pair of white gloved hands emerges from the darkness. Then both pairs of hands drag him down bit by bit until he swallowed into the fading shadow, his screams being cut off as the darkness disappears along with the feathers and snow.

*giggles* I actually got this idea from watching the first episode of Black Butler and the bastard deserves what's coming to him. Why you may ask? We are now entering full on spoilers territory. He is the commander of an assault squad that attacks the Star Child and the three captains; Second, Third, and Fourth. Due to his attack, Poseidon had to relinquish his control over the Star Child's body which at the time required stabilization so her new physiology could fully synchronize with their world.

Poseidon used what power he had left to generate a shield of water to protect them while Light finished sealing the breach/bridge ...more on that later...but it was incomplete. He was getting skimmed by some of the bullets and a few almost hit Light. Once the breach was sealed, Light focused his power on helping the Star Child, but he didn't have enough strength left to finish the job...which ensues a rather emotional scene which ultimately results in the Second Captain doing a full elemental conversion so that he could have enough power to save her, destroying himself in the process, only to be saved like a file to the hard drive.

The Star Child is saved, but both Poseidon and Hook lose their shit because they basically just watched the man they viewed as a brother/best friend kill himself to the save the woman all three of them loved. The Third and Fourth Captains rarely work in concert but when they completely synchronize...there is no power in creation that can stop them. Poseidon's control and Hook's raw power combined...just think about the story of Noah's ark and the flood that covered the entirety of the forget it because i swear these two could flood the entire universe if they wanted to, but like i said, they rarely sync up so when they

The two remaining Captains transport the Star Child away...well as far away as they could given their exhaustion. Then she goes ballistic which leads to her trying to shut off her emotions to focus on survival which leads to...I am not spoiling that part just yet. Skipping ahead, after Poseidon promises to live for her...Hook having said his bit prior to this...they are attacked again. Her necklace, a Tardis pendant, is cut clean away from her, leaving a rather long cut from her left hip, across the stomach, through the valley of her breasts, and all the way up to her right shoulder.

Poseidon gets involved and forces the commander...yes, that same one...and his men back with his powers. He grabs her and tries to leave but she accidentally drops his fob watch, he had given it to her only a few minutes prior, and she goes back for it. She scoops it up and runs back towards him, only for him to notice what the commander is doing. He is pointing a mounted mini gun at the Star Child and Poseidon, being an idiot in that moment, grabs her and spins her around so that his back is to the gun....I think you can figure out what happens next.

Hook takes control and pushes her into the waterway...more on this later...and proceeds to literally wash away the military convey and sucks them into the water...essentially transporting them somewhere else. The commander, lucky bastard, just walks away, retreating for the moment. This is where Stardust truly begins, where Will and his sister, Anna, have their first encounter with the Fourth Captain. This gets the ball rolling and yeah, its a little sluggish but I swear all stories begin that way, but once its in gear, its going to be one hell of an emotional rollercoaster.

One Final Note: In previous posts, I have stated that ALL the Captains influence her time stream. The reason why I am pointing this out is that Light has only recently joined the Guard and is the youngest of the how can he influence her time stream at all if he is dead/stuck in her head? Do you know the answer because I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this somewhere in the other posts.

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