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Friday, July 3, 2020

Starsea - Part X - Shattered Sight

Hello all you lovely people and welcome back to the Realm! Last time, the article ended in a rather odd way. Killian Jones has to decide whether or not to break the mirror containing the image of Erin Oswald aka Silverfrost. Let's see how that turns out, shall we?

The Terror of the Deep stared at the man in the mirror, his heart in chaos. Could he actually do it? Yes...yes he could. The problem was whether or not he should. Just because he has been supplied with a mirror that is not his own, it does not mean that it is the mirror he needed to break. When Hook first emerged, he was extremely dark, volatile, wrathful even but how did he end up that way if his soul was wiped clean from breaking the mirror?

'Sometime today, brat.'



'I said no.'

'What the bloody hell does that mean?'

'It means no.'

'You cannot be serious? She's gonna die!'


The mirror vanished and he was falling through the air. The pain was intensifying and he could barely breathe. He was blinded by a golden light, one he had not seen or felt in a long time...Swan Lake. A woman wrapped her arms around him and brought them down to a gentle landing. The light faded along with the pain, leaving him and the woman standing in front of each other. She lowered her hood to reveal the Magi of Light.

'Hello Killian.'

'Swan Lake. What the bloody hell is going on because I honestly have no idea what I'm doing?'

'Really because you looked like you were doing rather well.'

'How so?'

'Everything up till now has been spot on, completely seamless. Then you hit a snag and no, I don't mean that whole thing with the bubbles and mirror. I mean the bastard that's trying to have your soul for dinner before moving onto Jimmy. *is very confused*

Several years ago, I met a man named William Smee. He was infected with a specific kind of creature that is often referred to as a demonic parasite. This particular parasite is rather resilient and every few centuries he gets loose. Don't ask how, we still haven't figured it out.

Anyways I made him a vessel a power so that he couldn't be reinfected, but in doing so, he managed to get away from me. I hadn't been able to find him until now. A few months ago, he managed to infect Kali, but she's too strong for him so he decided to manipulate certain bonds. Specifically your bond to Kali which you instinctively answered but instead of being able to infect you like he wanted, he was repelled.

I didn't actually mean for this to happen. Didn't even know it was going to happen in the first place. I was just trying to save someone and that someone used my power to repel him away from you. *Smee* Yeah, he protected you without even realizing it but because Kali didn't come when you called, you instinctively called out for help which resulted in your rather brief interlude with a kraken...'

Kraken?! Koschei was a bloody kraken?! No way, he was far too kind to be that infamous and terrifying creature. Sure he was rather lather and was undoubtedly part squid/part octopus but he wasn't a kraken. The younger Jones would have been bloody terrified if that were the case. The blonde hairrd woman giggled at his reaction.

'Killian, everything you've heard about krakens, all those horror stories...bullshit. Every bit of it is complete and utter bullshit. Krakens are considered to be the kindest and most gentle creatures in the entire ocean. In fact, they try to protect people...keep from entering dangerous places like sailing into whirlpool country, sailing into serpent territory, and basically keeping them from them from dying some rather gruesome deaths.

Their reputation as sea monsters is due to their size and the fact that they use their tentacles to wrap around a ship to slow it down or halt it altogether, but no one actually stops to consider the why when presented with giant tentacles that are breaking the mast and sails into mulch by accident. *off topic* Ah yes, sorry. I just love explaining the whole Terror of the Deep thing to people...the expressions are priceless. *Swan!* Okay, okay. Don't get your knickers in a twist.

Now then...when you called out for help, albeit unknowingly at the time, the parasite used you like a relay and infected Koschei, who went in search of Kali as requested. Unfortunately some of his limbs were not under his control which has resulted in our current predicament. The parasite used Koschei to put Kali in such a position to where she would gradually weaken and after who knows how long, he would take over body which would result in everybody dying.

Magnetic resonance, dude, and the whole planet is boned. However Koschei is clever and knew that you would eventually cross paths with them and decided to pull a Look at me, I'm a target maneuver. How you may ask by literally using your sorry ass as a bullseye because there was no way Balthazar was gonna pass up such a golden opportunity. The time in which the God of the Sea is at his weakest, unaware of who and what he is.'

'I'm not the God of the Sea. Hell at this point, I don't want to be but I have to because otherwise Artz and my son are gonna die and lord know what will happen to Koschei and Kali. I don't want to be Poseidon Jones! I want to be Killian Jones! I want the woman I love to look at me and see me and not him! She wants Poseidon!'

'Dude, take a chill pill already. You're never gonna stop being Killian because your full name in the future is Poseidon Killian Jones, so you are actually both. As for all this emo crap you got going on...why does it matter. *opens his mouth* Hear me out, okay. Okay, let's start with something simple, shall we?

Has she ever deliberately called you Poseidon? *no* Okay, next question. Has she ever said that she wanted Poseidon? *yes* You sure because I'm pretty certain that she said she needed Poseidon and not because you think she loves him more than you. She needs his power as a water elemental and that exceptional control of his, but she never actually said that she wanted him.

Hmm...okay, I'm gonna have to take you somewhere. Fortunately, it doesn't require leaving the mindscape. Just a little fourth wall breaking. Take it away, oh great authoress! *scenery blurs from a forest to a hall filled with floating fragments*'

Killian inspected his new surroundings, fascinated by all the things he was seeing reflected in each fragment. Every fragment seemed to have a different reality but then narrowed it down a bit because some fragments clustered together. He assumed that they did this when they all pertained to that particular universe but showed different places within that universe.

He couldn't help but notice that many of the fragments depicted Artz or himself and sometimes the Dark Captain. There were also other people that appeared frequently but he had no idea who they were...well there went Yuel and Noel...and the creepy butler. He smiled slightly upon seeing Silver in almost as many fragments as he and Artz were.

'Welcome to the Hall of Shattered Sight. This place is created by the consistency of breaking the fourth wall. Should people ever stop breaking the fourth wall then this place would simply disappear like it never existed in the first place. can peer into other worlds, realities, time periods, specific locations, and even inside a person's mind, but be careful with that last one. If you go too deep, you'll lose yourself and be forever caught within their subconscious mind.

The fragment you want is over there. *points at a small sliver almost invisible to the naked eye* The size of a fragment tells you just how narrowed down your search perimeters are. In this case, my search perimeters were of the thoughts and feelings of my mother in regards to Killian Jones before she came on board with Silver. Trust me...this one tiny shard will most certainly alter your perception of my mother. To activate it, just touch it.'

The former lieutenant stared at the fragment a moment before hesitantly lifting his hand. He looked over at Emma who gave him a smile of encouragement and he touched the sliver. Said sliver shattered into dust, the particles flowing into his eyes and being absorbed.

Artz: And that's a wrap on this one. The next bit takes on a different tone than this one and don't worry, I'll be swinging back around to the pesky parasite soon enough.

Hook: You could have made it easier if you just stayed with your original train of thought.

Artz: True but Erin's soul comes to the Sanctuary verse in a different way so by not touching the mirror, Killian insured that you actually came into being.

Hook: Fair enough. Is it wrong to say that I absolutely love the concept of the Hall of Shattered Sight?

Artz: Not at all. Plus it's something that I haven't seen anyone else do so if it is entirely new and original then copyright! I own that bitch! *maniacal laugh*

Yuna: Thanks a lot, moron. You've set her off. Do you know how hard it is to turn off her genius mode?

Hook: *smirks* Indeed I do and I do so love watching her work. Intelligence, particularly high intelligence, is an incredibly attractive quality to me.

Yuna: *rolls eyes* Dude, stop insulting her...high intelligence? Can you be any more degrading?

Hook: *deadpans* We all know how biased you are when it comes to my wench's intellect and creativity, Yuna.

Durga: There you are! *grabs his sister and starts pulling her away* I guess you forgot about that appointment with a certain terratologist.

Artz: He's off to see Hella...well that's gonna be interesting.

Hook: To say the least, considering that her daughter is insanely attracted to the brat and flirts with him constantly. It's hilarious. Right then, I'm off to cause some mischief and mayhem. *jumps into a puddle and disappears*

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