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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Through the Looking Glass

Don't let the title fool you because this article covers the time from Erin's birth to wherever it is I decide to stop because it's a bit difficult to find intermission points because once it gets rolls and keeps on rolling. Now I would have named this as part of Starsea, but like I said the end has yet to be determined. I was, thankfully, able to locate a good stopping point so no warning label for this one.

Now then, Killian stayed at Port Rhianna for about two years until his reappointed first mate, Mister Black, finally convinced him to return to piracy. It took everything he had to relinquish his son to his wife's friend and now his as well. Emma Swan was the child's guardian, godmother, and governess. She would guide him, protect him, and teach him but she would never let the boy call her mother so he ended up calling her Big Sister Emma. The blonde woman always made sure that her charge remembered his parents, the woman that gave birth to him without regret and the man that protected him from the guile of the so called good guys.

Erin understood quite clearly that his father was not merely a sailor but was in fact a rather well known pirate. It didn't stop the boy from believing that his father was the real hero, albeit a reluctant one, but he was proud to be the son of Killian Jones. Of course he couldn't actually say that because his parents did have a long list of enemies and by his mother giving him her maiden name, she was protecting him. Then there was the enigma of the cloaked blue eyed woman that always showed up after his father had left. He didn't really get a proper introduction but he was pretty certain that she was in some way family to his godmother. It was a moot point but he did feel safe when she was near and sometimes...when he dreamed of his mother, she would tell him time and again that should he ever want a mother then to look no further than the mysterious blue eyes.

He was about to turn six years old when his father started acting oddly and his visits became less and less frequent but every time he did visit, he seemed so much happier and his ocean blue eyes practically shined with hope. Erin, on the other hand, was being filled with an ever increasing dread. Something wasn't right and he wasn't the only one who sensed it either...Blue Eyes and his Big Sister Emma, they sensed it as well. The tension was building, a pressure hanging in the air just waiting to pop and then his father told him what was making him so happy...a woman. He had met her at a tavern back before he had become a full fledged naval officer and the same night he had met the boy's mother. Killian told his son that he was being extra careful, making absolutely certain that his newfound love was honorable and true, someone worthy of his complete trust...worthy of his son.

The woman's name was Milah and she had shared in many of Killian's most recent adventures...though he would always drop her off at another port before coming to Port Rhianna...that he would never risk the safety of his only child and the families of his crew. He knew he had found someone special when he found Mister Black guffawing loudly and friendly at something the woman had said. If Black approved of her then she was most definitely worth his time...even the stern and highly efficient Mister Hawthorne had taken a rather unusual shine to the woman, probably because she was even more strict about the cargo and the efficiency of the galley. Then there was the man child with two left feet and a terrible sense of direction, Mister Jefferson...Milah was actually able to mitigate some of the foolishness the poor bloke got himself into and snapped at anyone that poked fun at him.

Most of the crew got along with her well enough but there was some friction being generated between the woman and his beloved Clare's crew but it was to be expected. A new woman coming on board, proverbially acting like she owned the place...he had known it would rub them the wrong way. Fortunately, he was able to smooth over most of the ruffled feathers but there were some that would never yield and he felt absolutely wretched when he had to boot them off the ship at Port Rhianna in order to keep the peace aboard his ship. A few flat out warned him that Milah couldn't be trusted, not with the port's coordinates and for a time, he agreed with them, but the more time he spent with her, he was starting to change his mind.

The Captain of the Jolly Roger found himself hanging on to her every word, reveling in the sound of her laughter, his heart becoming lighter every time she smiled, and then on a cloudy, moonless night, he took her to his bed and made love to her. His precious Milah was a little hesitant after that night and she wasn't quite sure of herself or where they stood but he was steadfast and held firm, giving her no reason to doubt him or his growing feelings for her. By Erin's seventh birthday, Killian knew that he loved her and if he was patient enough that she would agree to be his forever. He spent the next year doing everything he could to claim her heart and a few months after his son's eighth birthday and with the full support of his entire crew, he told her the coordinates for the secret port where the crew of the Jolly Roger called home...then on bended knee, he proposed to her and she said yes, her entire being radiating with joy.

They made plans to have two different ceremonies, one at Port Rhianna and the other at a quiet seaside town. The reason was so that his beloved Milah could have her parents and family see her get married. They already knew that he was a pirate and apparently wanted to make their wedding into the perfect day which meant that his intended bride had to leave the Jolly Roger for a time as to avoid the massive headache that came with planning a wedding and the constant bickering between all parties involved, something he was extremely grateful for.

His and Clare's wedding had been a very private affair, hidden away in the forest in a clearing with a fresh water spring and ethereal golden flowers. It was strange...the entire time he was there, he felt someone watching happy yet so incredibly lonely. His wonderful Clare told him that it was the Guardian of the forest, a celestial spirit and the fact that they were permitted to the inner sanctum...the place where the spirit's very soul was said to reside...meant that the Guardian had chosen to grant them its blessing and bestow a precious gift to them. He asked what the gift was and his wife's eyes sparkled with mischief before rendering him singing.

While his newly made wife had been singing, the golden flowers throughout the clearing began to softly glow, the light becoming brighter as golden sparkles blew softly through the air before slowly falling back to the ground below like a gentle snowfall. It had been one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen yet for some inexplicable reason, he wished that the sparkles of light had been blue and not gold though he had no clue why. He favored more earthly tones but his favorite color was red, a bright and gorgeous crimson red. Clare had interrupted his thoughts by kissing him softly, her honey brown eyes so warm and beautiful.

Killian Jones knew that he would never stop loving his beloved Clare, but he also knew that she would want him to find happiness again which was why he had opened his heart once more...yet there was a part of him that kept being drawn somewhere else but every time he tried to follow that pull, it simply led him back to Port Rhianna and his rather troublesome best mate, Swan Lake. He honestly believed that woman lived to torment him and that thought alone drew him away from his memories and back into the present. The dark haired captain ordered the crew to gather the necessary provisions to take to Port Rhianna, not knowing what was to come or how it would change the course of his life, his very soul, forever.

Artz: And Cut!!! I have got to stop it there because the next bit is...*runs away*

Yuna: Yep, definitely saw that coming.

Durga: She's crying her eyes out...again. How many times does that make it?

Yuna: Dude, I've actually lost count and she's had this part planned practically from the start...before the Prismata even existed! Heck most of the Blood Guard wasn't even thought of back then.

Durga: It still doesn't change the fact that she loves him. She can't even look at an image or gif without...ya know...I think this is actually worse than her love for the Doctor.

Yuna: She's had a chance to explore his character but importantly, she understands the role in which the Doctor is meant to play in her life...the core of her soul, the foundation in which she has built upon. He made her Artz which is why we never needed the Doctor to be real in the other reality because we had her.

As for the conundrum that is her Captain and her God of the Sea...its mostly about the people born from a single character and a certain actor's portrayal as that character. I swear Colin O'Donoghue was born to play the part of Killian Jones, but then Artz realized why she liked him so much because they were very similar to each other personality wise...but unlike her, Killian didn't have anything to ground himself with so he descended into darkness and from that darkness...

Hook: I was brought into being and the wench has particularly bad habit of poking at a character until she accidentally creates something entirely brand new. I may have started from Once Upon A Time but I am nothing like the brat or the show's version of myself. To be perfectly honest, I'm a little I really act that stupidly when drunk? Don't answer that, brat! *pointed stare at a nearby snickering Poseidon*

Poseidon: You have to admit that this is funny. *points to the YouTube above* Why because it's just plain ridiculous...not to mention that Killian gets jealous of himself.

Yuna/Durga: *muffled laughter as they walk away*

Hook: *watches them go* This isn't going to be pretty, Killian.

Poseidon: *softly* I know...still silver lining *ignores the are you serious look from his counterpart*...she is finally getting to Starsea which means it won't be long before...

Hook: ...all hell breaks loose. Come on, brat. Let's crack open a few barrels of rum and leave her to it, eh? *they leave*

Artz: *runs back in, looking refreshed* Damn allergies...welp, guess that's a wrap. Till next time, dearies!


  1. Love the suspense! Thanks for sharing! :)

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