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Thursday, April 9, 2020

The Return of Silverfrost - Part V

This is it, my lovely nonexistent readers. This will be the final article before the events of Starsea begins. I'm not sure how much will be revealed during this article so brace yourselves for a torrential storm of emotions and just to be on the safe side.

Warning: Content may be too graphic or emotional for readers under the age of thirteen. You have been warned.

Now then...we left off with Emma and Killian discussing plans for Clare's care and the health of his unborn child. The pirate captain decided to remain in Port Rhianna for the duration of his wife's pregnancy which allowed his crew. Their own respite because quite a few had family members that claimed the city as their home. Others, however, were not as enthused...these individuals being Simeon Black, Paul Jefferson, and Lawrence Hawthorne. These were members of the original crew that had been hand selected by Augustus Torrin to serve aboard the Jewel of the Realm.

No one was aware of this piece of information except for a single individual, Clare Jones. She had discovered a few things during her adventures with her husband but no solid proof. Now her husband would take a great deal on faith but even he had his limits. She needed hard evidence, actual solid and visible evidence that proved their guilt unquestionably. Unfortunately, Mister Black was quite clever, Mister Hawthorne capable of procuring and providing the necessary components, and Mister Jefferson was considered and an idiot and a blustering buffoon which often made people disregard any irregularities about his behavior...a tricky lot indeed.

Then there was the issue of a certain person's arrival, not long after her beloved husband had wandered off to collect his thoughts...Yuel. Of all the people to visit her that night, it was the First Oracle...from the future, a distant one at that. The Seeress of the Blood Guard showed her a series of visions that completely broke her heart, but there was nothing that could be done. Those moments were fixed meaning that they were going to happen and nothing and no one could stop it...not even her impossible godmother. Yuel had journeyed into the past to ensure that Clare's dormant heritage was transferred to her unborn child and given the name of Her Ladyship's fallen friend so that Silverfrost could rise again.

Once her work was complete, she returned to the future from whence she came but not before granting the woman one last vision that filled the pregnant woman's heart and soul with love and joy. Everything has its time and everything ends but if nothing ended then nothing would begin. Just because one book came to a close, did not mean that it didn't have a sequel or even an entire series to follow in its wake. Yes, she would make her story be one filled with love and happiness. She will make her husband bat shit insane whilst blind siding him at every turn. She will sate his physical lust then use him herself until he passed out, utterly spent by their activities. He will know without a shred of doubt that she loved him with her entire being and bring about the final vision, making it a reality...why...because she loved him...she loved them both.

The brunette's pregnancy progressed relatively well until she started going into labor too early...two months early. Clare knew why of course, Emma had sensed it, but poor Killian was clueless. The child's growth had been accelerated when Clare's dormant heritage was fused with it and her body had barely been able to keep up, much of her own life force being pushed into the child to keep it stabilized and healthy. The daughter of Eleanor Lyra Oswald knew what would happen and did it anyways. To save the future, her story had to end. The story of Clare Ravenwood Jones, wife of Killian Jones...was dying and her husband didn't even know it yet, supporting her and encouraging her as she gave birth to the only child they would ever have together.

The dying woman heard the cries of her newborn son and Emma cleaned and wrapped him in a blanket before placing the child into her friend's waiting arms. Clare's eyes filled with tears, her heart torn between the love for her son and the sorrow she was about to inflict upon the boy's father. She smiled as the tears flowed down her cheeks and she apologized before naming him.

'Erin Clarence Oswald.'

That caught the captain's attention immediately and he wondered why she give their child her last name instead of his, but then his beloved Clare gently pushed their son into his arms and he focused completely on the tiny, pudgy fragile...his son...their son. He was brought out of his revelry when the Swan girl started sobbing in grief, her hands glowing in a golden light. He knew that Swan had powers, she had told him so but he had never seen him use it before which made him wonder why she was calling on it now. That's when he noticed that his wife had her eyes closed and did not appear to be breathing.

He didn't know what to do or how to feel. He could only watch as his wife's best friend tried desperately to save the woman that had just given birth to their first born. She sobbing and crying, tears streaming down her face like twin waterfalls... begging her powers to work but nothing was happening. The bundle in his arms moved and he became hyperaware of the little baby currently being cradled in his father's arms...she knew. Somehow his Clare knew which was why she had given their son her last was the only way she could protect him from beyond the keep him safe from his parents' many enemies.

He called softly to the distressed blonde who looked up at him, a silent plea in her almost colorless eyes. He told her to stop before she went too far because he needed her to take care of Erin. He had to make arrangements for his wife's funeral, acquisitions for his son's care, and inform the crew of some rather drastic changes... maintaining the secrecy of Port Rhianna, that the coordinates could only be given out by a ship's captain, all others spellbound to prevent anyone from being bribed or tortured for the information. This little island in the middle of nowhere had to remain safe at all costs. He would not let his beloved Clare's death be in vain. He would ensure the safety of their son, the blonde acting as his guardian, the families of his crew...he vowed to never let Port Rhianna fall.

Artz: I was gonna make this long but decided against it because there is a bit of a time skip here and in case you're, Erin Clarence Jones is not the reincarnation of Artz's and Anna's friend from their world...he is, however, the one that will bear the name of Silverfrost, later shortening it to Silver because....*trails off as she realizes that she didn't put in a description of Baby Erin's appearance* Brunette like his father so dark brunette but his eyes will be closer to amber or honey like his mother's.

Poseidon: You just love dragging things out, don't you?

Anna: Now he gets it.

Artz: Its called suspense, sweetie. Not to mention, anticipation...that build up of emotion and then...

Poseidon: *deadpans* and falls flatter than a pancake because you can't keep your mouth shut.

Hook: I'm sensing a pot/kettle reference here. *Anna nodding in agreement*

Poseidon: What's that supposed to mean?

Durga: That you don't know how to keep your mouth shut when you come.


Durga: *gives her a bemused look* Its not your fault that I'm your sonic screwdriver.

Artz/Anna: *enters the gutter simultaneously and just walk away*

Poseidon: *tries to follow but is dragged away by Hook and Durga*

A few moments pass...and a head pops up from below the screen.

Ren: *whispers* Hiya, I'm Serenity aka Ren. Just wanted to have a brief cameo before...*Hope, fellow fan of Artz's work pushes Ren back out of the screen*

Hope: Sorry about that. *keeps pushing Ren back down out of frame then gives a brief wave to the readers before punting Ren out of the article entirely*

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