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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Avatars - Kali, Kanaan, & Hakan

Hey everyone and welcome to The Realm once more! I had started writing the First Captain's profile but then realized that I needed to explain some things prior to his origin so that you could have a proper context from which to draw upon...then discovered that in order to explain something that occurred directly after his origin, like mere minutes meant that I had to back up even further.

Now as the title implies, this article will center around three characters from the tv series called Sanctuary which is where Book 1: Stardust takes place in. A bit of a hiccup occurred when trying to discern the name of the third character, only to discover that he didn't actually have a name in the series...believe me, I've checked hundreds of sites trying to find out, so I named him myself. Right then, moving things along. I suppose it is Introduction Time!

The Empress of the Sea, Kali.

This is her avatar form and it's only seen by those who have been deemed worthy by the Macri, a sub species of abnormal that uses other's bodies to form a psychic link to Kali's avatar, but if the Macri is taken and forcibly implanted into another's body against its will, the link will still be established but her avatar will not appear to them at all.

In Sanctuary, Kali is referred to as the hyper species abnormal named Big Bertha. Doctor Helen Magnus, leader of the entirety of the Sanctuary network, was supposed to have euthanized her, but she recognized Kali's importance and the symbiotic bond between her and the ocean. So she lied to the other Heads of the Sanctuaries to conceal and protect her. To be fair, I can see why people would be utterly terrified of her. *points below*

Kali, as previously stated in an earlier post, is a very large aquatic spider, but unlike actual spiders, she easily travels along the ocean floor, unaffected by the intense pressure, extremely cold temperatures, and ya know...breathe underwater. Her exoskeleton is hardened, meaning that she is capable of withstanding several underwater explosions...depth charges...and has some protection from missiles when above ground though it can render her unconscious.

Her primary abnormal ability is referred to as magnetic resonance. She is capable of altering the magnetic resonance within her own body to manipulate the tectonic plates, create underwater earthquakes, releasing a magnetic burst to cause giant waves capable of flooding an entire country, and even has the ability to create new volcanic islands by directing her power directly into the ocean floor. to how she fits into the Blood Guard variation of the Sanctuary verse, the Star Child had been shot through time into a past so far back that by the time she reached present day, she would have witnessed the rise and fall of countless eras of history...most which were erased by time itself. However, the hyper abnormals also have this rather extensive longevity which later on is finally explained.

The irony is that in order to do a more in depth profile for the Star Child, I would have to make it a series of articles and separate them into several categories; before coming to the BG verse, her time before and during the events of Sanctuary, the beginning of her journey through time, then all the segments of the eons she lives through, her swan dive and the effects that happen afterwards. Oh wait, that's The Star Chronicles in a proverbial nutshell. 

Artz shares a deep connection to the hyper abnormals, but has an exceptionally strong bond with Kali due to her relations with Poseidon, Hook, and Durga; the three individuals that share a connection with the Sea or Kali herself. The Empress of the Sea feels this unusually strong bond and investigates it, only to discover the Star Child. She knew the moment that Artz had screamed excitedly and glomped one of her legs that this tiny little creature was one of their avatar.

The three hyper abnormals governed and maintained the balance and life force of the earth, but Artz was what they called a child of the stars which was later shortened to Star Child. The young woman spent a great deal of time with the Empress of the Sea, discovering and learning more about her power as an avatar, but as always, their time together came to an end because Kali needed to return to the Sea and restore the balance that had shifted during her absence.

It would not be the last time they meet and due to her connection to the Star Child, Kali inadvertently inspired a certain myth that would remain alive throughout the ages...the destruction of Atlantis. More on that in another post.

Moving right along, the spotlight now turns to next known hyper abnormal whose demain is the earth.

The Guardian of Praxis, Kanaan.

The reason Kanaan is referred to as the Guardian of Praxis is due to his alliance with the Praxians that had built a highly advanced technological city underground, more commonly known as Hollow Earth. He may be the strong stoic type, but he is remarkably the BG verse. In Sanctuary, Kanaan is a bit ambiguous but he did ally himself to the Praxians and caused three earthquakes in the exact locations necessary to create a counter wave to dissipate Kali's initial outburst of rage.

Now if you've played Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs than you'll understand the concept of a lava turtle. When crossed with the concept of a star whale from Doctor Who, you basically get Kanaan in a nutshell. For you see, my lovely readers, Kanaan is capable of traversing the many paths of lava and use the earth to counteract dangerous lava pockets that threaten Praxis but also provides them with limitless geothermal energy...and he looks like a whale swimming through lava. *points below*

Seriously...a lava whale...*shaking her head*..First aquatic spiders, now lava whales. Anyways, most of Kanaan's interactions with the Star Child occur within the Avatar Chamber...a meeting place of sorts for the hyper abnormals to communicate with each other no matter where they were in the world but to also communicate with those that serve them or have befriended them.

As you can see in the image above, this is the avatar chamber. The figures in white robes are, in fact, of which was Helen's own father, more on that later. The only way for Will to reach Kali after losing the Macri and some really sucky timing in regards to the Rapati Sungu aka The Dance of Kali...well...he had to die. His heart stopped, all brain activity ceased, and he finds himself within the chamber, begging Kali and the other two avatars for help, to stop the waves from killing countless innocent people.

I haven't progressed far enough into Stardust to know just how Artz or the Guard will be involved, so instead check out the YouTube video below to see William Zimmerman acting completely bonkers and dancing a little jig.

Now for the third and final member of the Avatar Council...the one with no name and almost impossible to find a decent picture for, but the actor that plays him is Byron Chief-Moon so you can Google him if you want to. Anyways, not much is known about this particular avatar. We don't know his name, his dominion, or what abilities he was supposed to have...but Artz, there is a third name in the title of this article, what gives

The answer is that I gave him a name, a dominion, and a general idea of what his abilities and purpose might be. Before I get too much further, I need to introduce him and I used the capture function on my phone to sorta get a picture of him...I apologize for the low quality of said image.

The Spirit Warrior, Hakan. I said, really hard to find a decent image and again I am terribly sorry. Once I do something clever with my phone and laptop, I will be updating this article to include...hopefully...a better image.

Moving right along, given the fact that this particular avatar is clad in red and has the outward appearance of a Native prejudice here, I am part Indian too, though which tribe is anyone's guess because my great grandmother kept changing tribes every few years...I decided that his name and dominion will reflect his depiction.

A quick comparison so you'll understand why I chose particular attributes. 

Kanaan is depicted as a dark skinned man clad in brown and beige clothing. His name and appearance hold ties to the earth and the almost wild and chaotic power that symbolizes the plains in Africa and much of its rugged yet extremely lethal beauty.

Kali is a deity in India, often attributed with the concepts of time, creation, destruction, and too are these reflected in her avatar. The way time seems to warp around Will every time he communicates with her or time seems completely without meaning during his psychic visions after he receives the Macri. Creation is portrayed in her ability to create land but also the surge of red algae to stop one of the waves. Destruction and power are depicted as well when she proves to be rather sturdy against depth charges and unleashes massive tidal waves.

Ah but look at what she is wearing whilst in the Her dominion is the ocean and her outfit reflects this...but Artz, she's kinda not wearing anything in Will's visions. This is not some ploy by the cast and crew to up the sexual appeal of the series but actually ties into the mythology surrounding her and has a deeper meaning when in conjunction to the events that were occurring at the time. 

Her mythology depicts her naked because she is considered a being of the highest and greatest purity. As for the deeper meaning, it ties back into the concept of creation. Will has only just received the Macri, a new beginning, and later after the Macri is taken she is clothed as if he is no longer pure. Taking it a step further, we can safely draw parallels from the act of creation, a woman giving birth. When a child is about to be born, the bubble of fluids surrounding the unborn child snaps and releases...thus the her water just broke concept. In the psychic visions, Kali is sitting within a pool of water then later after the Macri is taken, she rises from the pool when she tells Will what to do to find her again.

There is a lot of symbology in the Sanctuary series that is completely overlooked but as a result of me researching the avatars depicted in the show, I became aware of this deeper meaning and just how much Sanctuary tried to adhere and show respect for the myths and beliefs of others. Plus...Kali being a spider makes sense when you go look up her historical many arms.

Now back to the third member of the Avatar Council. His name is, in fact, Native American and it literally translates into fire. Given how he is depicted as a red clad Native American, I came to the conclusion that his dominion and abilities were based within fire, heat, lava, etc...but Artz, Kanaan is a lava whale? Of this I am aware but as in all things in nature, everything is interconnected. Kali is connected to Kanaan because the ocean floor is earth and she is connected to Hakan because her abnormal ability allows her to tap into the lava to create new land.

If that doesn't satisfy you then dig a little deeper...lava comes from somewhere, does it not? It's origin comes from the very core of the earth...its molten core. The core of the planet is one great big hot spot, so why doesn't it just explode and go kaboom? Answer...Hakan...a hyper abnormal whose domain is the core of the earth, his abilities allowing him to regulate and maintain most of the core's power and might, but he isn't all powerful and this is where Kanaan comes in with his earth based abilities and immunity to the heat generated by lava. Follow the chain of thought and you lead yourself to Kali whose power resonates with the earth yet controls the water, keeping the planet from overheating because of the massive amounts of water that is contained within the oceans.

When it comes to Hakan and Artz, I have absolutely no idea, but something will undoubtedly unfold at some point and I'll post another article about it. The main focus though is Kali...she holds a great of secrets and is connected to many events. Her bond with the Star Child is so deep that should a certain event occur, the Empress of the Sea will react quite violently...completely blindsided by what was happening to the young avatar...which ultimately results in the creation of The Realm. The history of the time before this cataclysmic event occurs will be the next article, followed by the downward spiral that lands you smack dab in the middle of the First Captain's origin story...and mere minutes later...the Second Hollow's origin story as well.

That's all for this article.

Edward: So post the damn thing already.

Artz: *bops him on the head* You don't get to talk! You took the Macri from Will and tried to get your own damn island!

Edward: *gives her a do I look like I care look* So you gonna save me or what?

Artz: That remains to be seen.

Edward: *gives her a smug smirk, knowing look in his eyes* Meaning That you've already saved me but haven't fully flushed out the scene yet.

Artz: *blushes slightly and looks away*

Edward: *chuckles* I won't delay you any longer. Just popped by to...hmm...why did I come here?

Yuna: To postpone the ending so that she doesn't have to go type up three more articles.

Durga: Four actually. To explain what happens after Shadow and Crow have been named.

Yuna: Of course! The actual founding of the Blood Guard!

Artz: Enough already! *pushes them out of the article* And off I go! *shimmers away*

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