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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Starsea - Part XII - Secrets of the Deep

Hey everyone and welcome back to the Realm! Last time, we left a mysterious purple eyed woman commanding Killian to rescue their friends and family. Let's see how that went, shall we?

He didn't appreciate being ordered around, but he did remember Balthazar's words about his past. He doesn't remember William or Artz or Koschei. He didn't remember how he apparently once wielded his powers as a water elemental when he was a child. Then something occurred to did his parents die? Liam said their father had been murdered by a group of bandits, but how did their mother die? 

There was something there, something he was missing, something that revolved around him, his mother, and his powers. His head began to ache and his body started trembling as a memory tried to break through, the emotions of that memory already flooding his being.

'I wouldn't do that, if I were you.'

Killian glanced over at the mysterious maid that had so easily and adeptly removed the demonic parasite like she was pulling a weed. Did she know about his past? Could she...would she help him recover those memories?

'There are some things that you are not yet ready to know and it's not for your safety but for everyone around you. Your powers have reawakened and they will express what you feel inside; specifically dense, raw, intense, deep, and powerful emotions. *sees the question in his eyes* 

Yes, it happened once and thus the reason why your powers were buried, along with the memories of the event and of her. It was the only way to save you...and stop you from flooding the entire world. You are far more powerful than realize, Killian Jones. That's why Hook's existence is necessary. It's too much for the physical body to handle. Take care of her, Killian.'


The amethyst eyed maiden smiled, her eyes shimmering with tears of joy. She did promise that he would regain his memories in time, but to take the path down memory lane as slowly as he prevent as much damage as possible when his powers lashed out. He nodded in acceptance and she disappeared in a silver light.

He turned to the portals, wondering which one would lead him back to his physical form. He heard the soft giggle of a girl coming from below him and watched in fascination as the gothic pixie in the floor's reflection walked away and stood in front of a mirror. He strode towards the Mirror, not even bothering to ask why or how or even who and just walked through the it...and right into the aquatic mental mindscape that he and James shared.

'Bout bloody time brat! The wench isn't going to be able to fend it off much longer! *fend off what?* The bloody Kraken for starters and then there's Silver trying to be a one man army against an insane amount of sharks! *informs him about Koschei* You're friends with a kraken? This just keeps getting better and better! What about the giant spider that can breathe underwater...*explanation*...Kali

Dear Lord, throw in one impossible wench and the entire world goes completely mad. *asks why he didn't know about any of this* I was dormant until adulthood and then I was stuck in the dark, so excuse me for not being up to date on the latest gossip! Look, I know that we don't have special powers like...*interjects* Really? Well I be damned...but do we actually know how to use them? *sheepish silence and the Scourge actually face palms* 

That's it the end. We'll have to wing it and see what happens. *wing it?* Right, sorry...some of the wench's modern slang. *slang?* Save first, educate later...*groans when he brings up the memories he had altered* alright, but I want to know what the hell happened when you suddenly checked out of our body. *about to ask but works out what checked out meant* 

Can we go now? I kinda want my ship tentacle free, preferably with our son and the wench on board. *glares* Alright, alright, stop trying to set me on fire with your eyes while in an underwater mindscape. We'll save Kali and what was that thing's name again? *HIS name is Koschei* Right, sorry. *Hook holds hands up in a placating manner* We'll save Koschei too. *frowns* Oh god, that means that we won't be pirates anymore. We're going to be heroes! *a horrified expression on his face* I don't wanna be a hero!'

Now it was Killian's turn to face palm. Of all the times for James to have a vanity crisis...he wasn't much better off though, but at least his soul was fully intact now. He knew who he was, who he truly was, but he wasn't quite ready to accept the title and responsibilities of being her God of the Sea.

'Once a pirate, always a pirate, mate. So let's show them what a true pirate looks like.'

Just a little more time and a chance to actually slow down and think. So much has happened in so brief a time. Even the legendary pirate captain known as James Hook needed a bloody vacation and he freely admitted to it., Poseidon didn't have the same luxury as Hook but he had plenty of people...friends that he could talk to about this, but he kind of needed to figure out how his powers worked first.

Artz: I'm ending it here and yes, I know it's brief but the next bit radically switches perspective...

Mars: She's simply tired of being in aqua lad's head and I don't blame her one bit.

Crowley: *walks in with a drink in his hand* I'm genuinely surprised that she made it this far into fish boy's origin story.

Artz: What is this... A fire convention? A Phoenix, the king of the crossroads...

Crowley: That's the King of Hell. Some of us can afford the upgrade.

Artz: The point is that this is a water based story so what are fire based characters doing here? *blinks, noticing that the space they originally occupied was now empty...receives a message from DT* that's why they suddenly vanished. Still doesn't explain why they were here at all. *wanders off to finish the intermission article*

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