So everyone give thanks to my beloved younger sister and my truest believer, Anna! She sent me the media message in a vain attempt to stop rereading our text thread and the countless scenes and full blown chapters we have typed up in the last few months. Without further delay, I present the First Mage.
First Mage of the Blood Guard, Commander of the Medical Corps, the Magi of Light, Scheherazade. Venus of the Prism Guard and she is her daughter.
Go ahead and squeal, Oncers! I will freely admit that many of The Prism have originated from Once Upon A Time but can you blame me? There was a lot of good actors and actresses in the series and their portrayals of specific characters inspired quite a few aspects of the Blood Guard. To be fair, most of the original backgrounds of these characters got chucked out a window so don't be surprised if things do line up with the originals because my versions are their own unique stories that is vaguely based on the originals.
Now then...Venus. This name was inspired from a silly song from Blue's Clues, a kids show I used to watch before they changed the main guy. Anyways, the song was a way for kids to learn the order and names of the planets in our solar system.
The sun's a hot star and Mercury is hot too.
Venus is the brightest planet, Earth is home to me and you.
Mars is the red one and Jupiter's most wide.
Saturn has those icy rings and Uranus spins on it side.
Neptune is most windy and Pluto is very small.
We wanted to name the planets and now we've named them all.
Honestly, this was the only for me to remember the planets at all and yes, I know Pluto has been stripped of its planetary status. The point is that the name of the First Mage was inspired by the line: Venus is the brightest planet. Seeing as how the Star Child was her mother, this name suited her quite well.
Now on to the reason for the name Scheherazade. This name came about due to a certain period of time and my obsession at the time, Magi. Scheherazade was the name of the Magi of a certain empire within the series...and she was blonde. The certain period of time was the Greek and Roman eras...why?
Venus is the Roman rip off of the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. It was during this era of history that the Magi of Light went by the name of Scheherazade because people kept mistaking her as the Goddess of Love. It didn't help that she was physically attractive, has a mysterious yet almost ethereal aura, and that she bore a strikingly remarkable resemblance to how people depicted the Goddess of Love.
Later on down the line, it becomes a bit of a running joke amongst the Prism because she always becomes either annoyed, flustered, or flat out embarrassed whenever that name or that time period is brought up. She did shorten the name so she could use it as an alias, Sherrie. Still didn't stop most of the Prism from commenting on it, usually eliciting a long suffering groan from the blonde haired woman.
As for the whole daughter thing, she is in fact Artz's biological daughter, but no one knows the details of her conception or birth, given the fact that the Star Child was unable to have children due to certain issues which apparently gets resolved at a later date and no, I am not spoiling that bit...yet. I will say that the name given to her by her mother is Emma Swan Lanaria. Yes, I know but i really liked her name and Artz mistook her for the Savior from Once Upon A Time when she first met the woman.
Now are all probably wondering who the father is, right? I should say Spoilers but I'm not going to be that cruel because with his reveal, things get pretty interesting. Now Emma is a kind hearted badass that loves being all mysterious. Why is she this way? Her father stated quite clearly...Never bore your audience. Anyone who has watched Sanctuary in its entirety are already screaming or jaw dropping. Say hello to Emma's father.
Yep...I went there. The Father of Electricity and the Inventor of Radio Waves...the absolutely scrumptious, Nikola Tesla aka King of The Five. Now Sanctuary's version of him is shall we say a bit more pretentious, even cavalier, definitely arrogant, obnoxious and is one of the most beloved characters of the entire series. The kind of guy you love to hate and hate to love.
As for King, he only acts like a glorified ingenious badass because it makes the Star Child practically go into fan girl mode or hot under the collar. Young Artz cannot comprehend how he is in any way attracted to her, commonly stating that he would never look at her twice. The usual response to this statement is that you can't look at someone twice if you never looked away the first time.
So both parents are revealed, the impossible redhead and the brunet genius vampire. So...did anyone notice anything? Specifically, two very interesting details. The first is that Emma Swan part vampire. The second...well let's do a comparison. Keep in mind that I have not found an image that adequately depicts Artz so this is just for a quick comparison and not the actual thing.
Okay...this image is standing in for Artz. Now let's put up a picture of our favorite genius vampire.
So we have a picture of Artz and a picture of Nikola, the parents of Emma. Now let's put up an image of the Magi of Light.
Now then...for the comparison. Artz is a definitive red head, commonly referred to as crimson, a rather brilliant crimson at that. Nikola's hair is clearly dark, either brown or black depending on the lighting. Now look at Emma...blonde. Why is Emma blonde? Some of you would undoubtedly bring up the fact that Anna Zimmerman in Stardust states that Artz has dark blonde hair, but it has no bearing on this little conundrum.
It's a question to think about and is very important to The Star Chronicles. Take into account that no one has witnessed her birth nor has anyone seen any signs that the Star Child was, at any point, pregnant. Then take into account that Emma Swan Lanaria is Artz's and Nikola's legitimate child and this fact is proven by a simple blood test. And that is where I am leaving that...have fun with that mystery.
Moving right along, I am not entirely certain when Emma makes her first appearance in the past, but she has already been mentioned in Stardust as Sherrie, the nurse that was commonly looking after the Zimmerman siblings. She has connections to two brothers; one is a doctor and the other is a lawyer. As of now, she is married to the first but has been married to the second in the past. Who are these two brothers?
Okay all you Supernatural fans, start screaming because both Sam and Dean Winchester are indeed members of the Blood Guard. In fact, they are actually members of the Prism. Dean is the doctor that is married to Emma while the Zimmerman siblings were pretty much oblivious to the Blood Guard...didn't stop Anna from calling him Winchester. He went by the name Dean Chesterton which any Whovian that has watched Classic Doctor Who will automatically get the reference to Ian Chesterton, a science teacher that had become one of the First Doctor's companions.
For about two years, Dean had not spoken to his younger brother...presumably this falling out had something to do with Sherrie, but his time spent with the Zimmerman siblings reminded him a lot of how he and his brother used to be. Due to their influence, Dean and Sam reconciled the majority of their issues but still squabbles like cats and dogs which commonly resulted in Sherrie putting the fear of God into them.
Much of Emma's past is a mystery and no one is entirely sure of the scope of her powers either. She is most well known for de-aging herself from using too much of her power at one go, commonly a result of her trying to save her mother. She also de-ages herself frequently for the simple reason of growing up again.
Why because during the course of history, her mother is unable to conceive a child which is why she ended up founding the Blood essentially create the family that she could never have, always bringing home strays or flat out adopting just about everyone. Emma reverses her aging, oftentimes to infancy, just so that her mother can have the joy and wonder of raising her daughter, to know that she was indeed an amazing mother and that Emma loved her very much.
For the First Mage, her mother meant everything to her but there was a time that she had to pretty much hand her over to the very people that they had been trying to protect her from. Why because is she didn't, then the whole of history would change and she would never be born. To save the entirety of the Blood Guard and protect The Realm's very existence, Emma had to allow both herself and her mother experience terrible things...some with lasting and irrevocable consequences.
Why did they have to let this happen? Why did it have to be this way? Was there no way around it? Some other means in which to accomplish what needed to be done? Why did such pain and grief have to occur? save a life. No parent should ever have to outlive their child nor should they be forced to watch their child sacrifice themselves in order to protect everyone. Emma and Artz suffered fates far worse than mere death and all for the sake of saving two children.
The grandchild of Jester of The Five, the Impossible Girl, Clara Griffin.
The daughter of Epsilon of The Five and Black British of The Blades, Ashley Magnus.
After the events had passed and their enemy had been neutralized, both Ashley and Clara left the Sanctuary and went to The Realm. Neither were able to accept what had occurred, the emotional impact was too great for them to endure on their own. Ashley sought help from her father, even becoming his apprentice blade.
Clara started out with her grandfather, but soon drifted from place to place. She was unable to forgive herself for what happened. She believed that she had utterly destroyed the two people she loved most in the whole of creation and that she did not deserve to live. She vanished from The Realm but the Guard knew she was still alive because her name had not appeared on the Memorial Stone...more like an obelisk.
The Impossible Girl returned when the events of Sanctuary had concluded, Ashley aka Violetta, the Knight, also returned around this same period of time. Both had become privy to very specific information which had utterly flabbergasted everyone else and that information is going to remain hush hush for now. Don't want to spoil everything.
As for Emma, well...I haven't worked out anything beyond her trip through history and her brief involvement during the Sanctuary timeline, but not to worry, desires. She'll get more screen time because there is no way that I can go through the rest of the Sanctuary series without her popping up...probably whilst in the company of her father...and sweet Menti Celesti, I just had an idea. *disappears*