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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Starsea - Part IX - Guardian of the Ocean

Hey everyone and welcome back to the Realm, but let's be honest, a novelty I know, you're probably binge reading the whole damn thing. Why? Because my fan fiction also has this unusual phenomenon. Anywho...last time, I just went ker plop because I had a massive headache that decided to take up residence in my cranium for several hours. Ugh, you just gotta love allergy season, right? I've been whipping out articles like mad though. 

This particular article will involve a time skip because outside of those two *points to Artz and Killian making out nearby* shagging like a pair of Nubbins and some too sweet, makes your teeth hurt, family time for Killian, Artz and Silver...not much else happened. Hey! It can't all be action packed adventures and whirlwind romances. Sheesh. Go on, go on, shoo. Go read Part IX of Starsea.

The ocean eyed man was currently sitting with his legs crossed on the the floor. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slow. He was practicing a meditation technique that Artz had apparently taught him as a child though he still has no recollection of any of their time together. The purpose of this exercise was to allow him to consciously access his personal mental landscape but in his case, it was a seascape.

Why did he want to enter this so called aquatic paradise? To communicate with the one known as The Scourge of the Sea, James Hook. He had been meaning to do this since he had learned the truth about his son, about Clare and Emma, and about the woman that tied them all together. He and Hook still had to clear out the alterations made to the dark captain's memories, but he was also very worried about what the future Poseidon had said to the Star Child.

To shatter a mirror that wasn't his own.

Yes, he definitely needed to speak to his counterpart sooner rather than later. That was the plan but then the entire ship lurched and practically threw him across the room. Artz, who had been sleeping at the time, snapped her fingers and both of them were fully clothed. Was there anything her powers couldn't do?

The two made it top side and were greeted by the sight of a very large tentacle covered in suckers. There was another near the front of the ship and one behind them on the back of the ship. The men went to attack the tentacles with their swords and something inside him screamed.

'Stop! Don't hurt him! *rebuttals from his crew and a name popped into his mind, along with the brief image of the creature he had met before when he couldn't find Kali* His name is Koschei and he's my friend! So please don't hurt him!'

'Holy shit, little Killi! You actually remember him?!'

'No. I met him in the seascape. Kali didn't come to me when I called so I asked him to find out what happened. I'm guessing he did. Otherwise he wouldn't have stopped us.'

Silver finally made it topside and the saw the tentacles. He immediately jumped overboard and disappeared into the darkness of the ocean. Artz's head snapped up and she raced to the nearest tentacle. She reached out and touched it, only to yank her hand while hissing in pain.

'Something's wrong, isn't there?'

'Koschei...he's hurt badly. Several of his tentacles are trapped under a giant pile of rocks, possibly from an underwater earthquake. The ones that are not trapped or wrapped around the ship are keeping Kali from being pushed into what I believe is a developing volcano.'

'There must be some way we can help him!'

'Not we, just me. Silver doesn't have the raw power and might required to even extract Koschei, let alone Kali. Not to mention that his control is learned, not instinctive. I need a true Child of the Sea.'

'What the bloody hell does that mean?!'

'It means that I need Poseidon and Hook! Poseidon is a natural elemental, meaning that he was born with his powers already active. Hook is considered the Heart of the Ocean, capable of withstanding the true force of the Sea and direct it towards Poseidon. When they work together, they can flood the entire planet and wipe out all life on said planet.

As for Silver, he is what's called an awakened elemental, meaning that his powers were activated later in his life and is therefore weaker than a natural elemental. He can't convert to his elemental form without killing himself but he can breathe underwater and communicate with most of the higher life forms of the sea like Koschei.

Now if you excuse me. I need to go and do what I do best...the impossible. Stay here where you won't get yourself killed. Better yet touch one of the tentacles and connect to Koschei. Who knows...he might be able to restore some of your lost memories.'

Before he could object, she jumped into the water and disappeared. Killian had never felt so powerless in his life. Smee pushed him over to the closest tentacle and gave him a look that said to do what he was told. He reached out and touched the suckered appendage. He lost all awareness of his physical surroundings but he still had the sense of touch, almost like he was in between the seascape and the physical world.

Bubbles floated around him, all of them depicting some kind of event. Some were from his childhood. Others were from a world unlike anything he had ever seen before and then there were the ones that vibrated violently, their surfaces constantly rippling. He couldn't actually tell what was going on within the bubbles themselves. All of it was distorted but color him surprised when his counterpart seemingly stepped out of him like before.

Something was wrong. The Scourge of the Sea barely looked conscious. His eyes were half closed and out of focus. He walked...staggered towards the violently rippling bubbles like he was drawn to them against his will. He tried to call out to him but he found himself locked into place, unable to move or speak. The bubbles started spinning around the Dark Captain and Killian watched as the man transitioned from looking like him to someone else entirely.

The man had short brown hair, amber brown eyes and was a few inches taller than Artz, but his face is what gave him pause. It was like he was seeing a masculine version of Clare. What did it mean? The clothes the man was wearing were similar in nature to the ones in the mysterious trunk that appeared from nowhere. The man smiled at him and it made the Captain's heart ache.


The younger Jones watched as a woman with short dark blonde hair and forest green eyes ran up to the former captain with a smile on her face. Up until she smiled, she seemed a bit plain, ordinary even...he would even go so far as to say unimpressive but then she smiled and his heart sped up from intense attraction. The way her smile lit up her face, making her eyes sparkle with happiness...absolutely breathtaking...and then he received the shock of his life.

'My Artz.'

'My Silverfrost.'

She was Artz?! How could that be?! They looked nothing alike?! As if answering his question, one of the nearby bubbles burst and he thrust into a different environment. People were running and screaming and he didn't know why until he heard a woman shout Artz's name that he realized why. She was disintegrating, literally falling sand caught in the wind.

The one known as Silverfrost was dragging a nearly catatonic Artz who was having the mother of all emotional breakdowns. Whoever that woman was, she had been precious to her...someone irreplaceable. He pushed her up and over the fence and began climbing the fence, only to fall victim to whatever force was causing such destruction.

'Run, you clever girl, and remember. RUN!!'

And she did, tears streaming down her face...but how was he following her if he died? His was his soul. Even in death, he refused to abandon her...just like James had said.

'Wherever you go, I will always follow.'

Hook was Erin, Erin was Silverfrost, Silverfrost was the name Artz had given his son in honor of her fallen friend, but what if that friend had followed her somehow? What if his soul got trapped in another's body and rendered dormant until the original had been destroyed? His soul had shattered which caused Erin's soul to awaken but because he had been inside him so long, he had become warped or maybe molded by his past?

His attention returned when he heard the blonde screaming in agony. A man with electric blue eyes was attacking her with lightning bolts...what the hell? Standing within some kind of rift or a tear in the fabric of reality...was himself, but why would he be there?

'I hate to rush you, Light, but we've got company!'

He wasn't able to see much beyond the rift but there was definitely movement on the other side.

'If I go any faster, her heart will stop!'

'So get part of her through and I'll take control of the water in her body to keep her heart pumping!'

'You idiot! Both you and Jimmy would feel it too! You'll essentially be dying with her!'

'Just shut up and do it because we're running out of time on both sides!'

Suddenly he was seeing through his future self's, it was more than that. He could feel it. Something was moving within him but it felt so natural. It made him want to cry from relief. Something inside of him had given way...physically. And then there was pain, every part of him in searing agony. His mouth was open in a silent scream. He couldn't think, he couldn't feel, he was splintering apart. Someone called his name.

He opened his eyes to see a mirror before him. The man known as Silverfrost was within its reflection, his hand pressed against it like it was a glass pane. What was he trying to tell him? The man removed his hand from the surface of the mirror then placed it on the surface again. Did he want him to touch it? Would it make the pain go away? There was something at the back of his mind telling him not to do it. Silverfrost kept repeating the action, his face becoming more and more desperate.

A small portion of the mirror darkened and began showing images that were underwater. Artz was sinking like a lead weight a trail of blood coming from the back of her head attracting quite a few sharks. His son was doing his best to keep them away from her but was clearly struggling. Koschei was too far away to actually reach her, not without abandoning Kali. What was he supposed to do?

'Break the mirror, you stupid brat, and save them.'

No! That would destroy Silverfrost! He couldn't do it!

'You have to, Killian! If you don't then James Hook never exists! Erin knows this and he is willing to make that sacrifice, to give up everything from that lifetime to be with the woman that is his be the Captain she loves so much. Please, Killian...she needs a true Child of the Sea. That's who you are but to save them all, you have to be more than that. You have to become the God of the Sea and to do that, you have to let him go. *tries to object*

Damn it, brat! Were you not paying attention to the wench earlier?! She said she needed Poseidon and Hook, a true Child of the Sea and the Heart of the Ocean. If you don't break that mirror, she'll die and I don't mean here. She'll die in the other world, alone in the dark. Is that what you want?!'

Artz: And....CUT!!!! *snaps a clap board together*

Hope: Ooh...suspenseful.

Ren: More like Typical Artz. Just couldn't resist a cliffy, could you?

Artz: *sniffs indignantly* I have no idea what you're talking about.

Hope/Ren: *deadpans* Uh huh. *gets shot into the sky by a stream of water* We're blasting off again! Whee! *ding*

Artz: Thanks, Tsukimi. 

A well endowed woman with long blonde hair walks out of the shadows.

Tsukimi: I am more than happy to aid thee in thy plight, Your Ladyship. May I inquire as to when the Order of the Birds will have its grand debut upon thy blog?

Artz: *shrugs* Depends on how I feel. Could by the Sekirei, the Sins, the Wizards, the Blades, the Librarians...

Tsukimi: Thou hast spoken enough, Your Ladyship. I shall not impede thy work any further. *turns to leave*

Artz: You drew straws and lost, didn't you? Otherwise you wouldn't have asked.

Tsukimi: *blushes in embarrassment* I shall bid thee good night, Lady Artz. *walks away*

Artz: Thought as much. *goes back to work*

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Starsea - Part VIII - Silver and Gold

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Realm! Last time I kinda lost my train of thought a sort of just trailed off. With that being the case, there will be a minor time skip of maybe a week or so, maybe two weeks. I don't want to do much longer due to a certain plot device that I need to get to. Now venture forth into the next segment of Starsea!

The Terror of the Deep had spent almost two weeks confined to bed rest so that the Dark Captain could finish recalibrating their shared body. During that time, he had attempted to calm the Star Child who had spent the first two days as a broken record, consistently apologizing. The only reason why she stopped was because he had slapped her. He didn't like the fact that he had to strike her but there was no other way to break through to her.

She did go quiet after that and quite often had to stop herself from crying, knowing that her Captain would take control and he really needed to focus on the task at hand. Killian eventually coaxed her into talking and by coaxed, he meant dropping the cannonball that the love she had felt from him was actually Hook's and not his own. She had raised an eyebrow at that statement, a knowing look in her eyes and a small smirk on her lips. The former lieutenant was surprised by how one simple expression had him wanting to pin the woman to the closest flat surface and make love to her.

In the days that followed after he was no longer confined to his bed, he did as his counterpart suggested and spent as much time with her as he possibly could. He oftentimes had to go in search of her and more often than not she was either with Mister Smee in the ship's library or in the kitchen with Mister Silver. After a while, his curiosity got the better of him and he asked about the Magi of Light that had made his first mate into a vessel of power.

'First Mage of the Blood Guard, Commander of the Medical Corps, the Magi of Light, Scheherazade. She is Venus of the Prism Guard and she is my daughter...and yes, she is actually my daughter by blood.'

'You make it sound like you're surprised she even exists.'

'That's because I am. Killian...I can't have children...and before you ask, it's a tale far too long and complicated to even attempt to explain it to you now. It would just give you a massive migraine.'

The younger Jones didn't press for more, despite wanting to know exactly how and why she couldn't have children. He also promptly ignored the feelings of sadness and disappointment he had felt upon learning that the woman he cared for would never be able to have a child with him. He knew from his interactions with Silver that she was, in fact, an absolutely wonderful mother...though she could use some help in the naming department.

'*scowls at him* For starters, Silver is short for Silverfrost. I gave him that name in honor of a fallen friend from long ago. He was the one that chose the last name of Jones. I never really understood why he was so adamant about it, but I figured that it probably had to do with my God of the Sea. Poseidon helped me raise Silver in the Realm before telling me that the boy's father served aboard the Jolly Roger. 

Still trying to work that one out. *he comments about the name Venus* Venus is her title within the Guard. It's not the name she was given at birth, ya numpty.'

He then asked what the woman's birth name was and his entire world turned on its axis...figuratively speaking.

'Emma...Emma Swan Lanaria. I don't know if Silver ever told you this but my daughter was his governess...such a sweet kid. When I received word that Torrin was heading towards the port town where my daughter and her charge were currently living, I set out immediately but I was too late.

The whole town was in ruin, the fires still burning. I found my daughter rendered powerless by a radahan; battered and beaten, wailing in despair next to what was left of her charge. That poor this day, it still haunts me. When my Captain ordered me to kill my godson as proof of my loyalty...for a brief moment, I didn't see my godson. I saw the boy that called me His Blue Eyes...I saw Erin.'

Killian Jones fled from his quarters with the Star Child following after him, asking him what was wrong. He needed to know...were they truly the same? Was Silver Jones the son he believed to be forever lost to him? Was he Erin Clarence Oswald? He practically ran through the galley and straight into the kitchen, but the boy wasn't there, making him growl in frustration.

He looked down when the redhead touched his arm gently and his body relaxed...she had no idea. She asked if he was looking for Silver and he nodded. She pointed towards a specific wall and he realized what she was trying to convey. He was in one of the storage rooms, probably gathering provisions for the evening meal. They made their way to the storage area and sure enough, the silver haired lad was going through a check list for all the ingredients he needed.

'Silver...we need to talk.'

The boy glanced his way briefly before returning to work and like the smartass he was, he said they talked all the time...what made this time any different from the last?

'I didn't know who you were the last time or any of the other times before that...Erin Clarence Oswald.'

'I'm sorry. Did you just say Oswald? Silver, was Clare your mother?'

'You knew my wife?'

'If you're referring to Clare Ravenwood Oswald then who do you think raised her?'

They both looked over at the oddly silent silver haired chef that currently had his back to them.

'I'm not Erin Clarence Oswald. He died when he was eight years old. My name is Silverfrost Jones.'


The room began to ice over, the temperature dropping drastically and swiftly. The cook of the Jolly Roger turned just enough so that they could see his face. He had tears in his eyes, tears of rage.

'I am not Erin...because Erin was nothing more than a defenseless child that watched his big sister be tortured and raped right in front of him! Erin was a child that was powerless to stop the bastards from killing him in front of his godmother! I am not the boy that she *gesturing to the ginger* nearly killed herself trying to save.

*tears slip down his cheeks* I am Silver Jones, a child of the sea and snow. I am the son of the Star Child and her God of the Sea. I am the man that can go toe to toe with the Scourge of the Sea, the Chef of the Jolly Roger. I am finally the person I always wanted to be, someone my papa would be proud of...I am the son of Killian Jones.'

That did it...the Captain of the Jolly Roger crossed the room and pulled the boy into his arms, embracing him tightly and never wanting to ever let go. All this time, his son had been alive. That didn't really explain how he had met the boy prior to his demise, but since it was impossible, he knew the Star Child and her Guard were involved. Speaking of which...he turned to look at her but she was no longer there.

'*releasing him* You had best go find her before she goes spiraling into another depression. *asks why* My mother crossed paths with a woman she had believed was in an abusive relationship. So...she did what she has always done. She was kind. She gave the woman two pieces of advice. 

The first was to get out. If you don't like the situation then remove yourself from the equation, but as most women commonly do, she said that she could never escape him. Thus leading into the second piece of advice...the only power anyone has over you is the power you give them.'

Those words...he recognized them. Hook had used them to describe the crimson haired woman, but going further back in his memories...he inhaled sharply, his eyes widening as he realized why they had struck such a familiar chord...Milah. Milah had disappeared and was gone for almost four days. Upon her return, he had snapped at her and she looked him square in the eyes, saying those exact words

That single moment of defiance, grit and determination...that was what started it all and he realized that the woman he had truly fallen for was Artz. After that day, Milah's personality had shifted radically and he now knew that it was nothing than a farce. She was pretending to have the same kind of personality that both Artz and Clare possessed because she knew that he would be sucked in by the lie, blind to everything else.

'After what happened at Port Rhianna, Emma regressed her age to that of a ten year old girl so she could grow up with me, but before she did, she told mother about that fucking bitch. It took the combined efforts of quite a few people to keep her from dropping like a stone or blowing up a planet.'

'Are you saying that she blames herself for the destruction of Port Rhianna, for what happened to her daughter, for your...death?'

'No, she blames herself for being kind, believing that it was her kindness that got hundreds of people killed. That it was her kindness that destroyed Emma and killed me, but the worst thing of all...she believes that it was her kindness that shattered your soul. And to find out that you're my father...'

He didn't have to say anything because the Terror of the Deep didn't need to be told. He kissed his son's head before begrudgingly leaving the room in search of the impossible woman that had saved the life of his only child. He immediately went above deck to speak to Mister Smee. If anyone knew where the redhead had went, it would be William.

He didn't even get a chance to speak, his first mate gesturing to the crows nest high above them. As hiding places go, it was a damn good one because even if you knew they were there, you would have a hard time getting to them...unless you were him. Killian Jones knew his ship and he was able to get up there quite easily...though it did mean that the crew would to redo some of the rope. 

He looked inside the nest and sure enough, she was there. Her arms were wrapped around her legs and her face was buried in her legs. She looked so small, curled up like that, and so very fragile which was quite the contrast to what he was used to seeing from her. He climbed into the crow's nest and sat down next to her. They sat there for some time before she finally raised her head enough to speak, her hair preventing him from seeing her face clearly.

'I would say I'm sorry but I don't want to be slapped again. It doesn't make it any less true though. The one thing I never wanted to do was hurt you and yet...that's all I ever seem to do.'

'Am I right to assume that we knew each other in the past...and possibly the future?'

'Yes...for both of them. My past is your future. You, my Captain, and my Light...the three of you saved my life. You literally saved me from the end of the world, the world I originally came from that is. *multiverse?* How did...Emma...of course she would.

As for your past, I ran across you quite by accident. I was taking Graham on a pilgrimage so that he could meet the people that he would one day lead. We were walking along the beach when Graham suddenly took off and I had to keep an eye on him otherwise a war was going to break out.

When I caught up to him, he was being held by a boy with eyes the color of the ocean and when I learned his name...I can't even begin to tell you how happy I was. You never did tell me how we first met. You did say that I came on a bit strong after you had become a pirate and tried to jump your bones every chance I got, so you can blame yourself for that. are just sitting there, letting me ramble away like an idiot. Aren't you mad at me? It was my kindness that destroyed your life!'

He pinned her to the floor of the crow's nest, bit of a tight fit but that did not stop him from kissing her. She tried to push him away but her attempts were half hearted at best. He kept her head in place with one hand, the other wrapping around her back to pull her closer to him. Unfortunately they did have to breathe which made them separate far too soon for his liking. He stared directly into her eyes. 

He remembered everything his wife, his Swan Lake, and his son had said about her though he hadn't known it was her they spoke of at the time. His son had spent night after night with Hook, talking up a storm about the Star Child. Every time he returned to Port Rhianna, Emma would regale him with tale after tale of her mysterious mother with a heart like no other. Clare...his beloved Clare had been raised by her godmother, said godmother being the woman currently pinned beneath him. She always said that her godmother was her personal hero, the woman she aspired to be like though her godmother always insisted that Clare add her own flair because she didn't want Clare to be her. She wanted Clare to be Clare.

'Don't speak, just listen. Thank you. *attempts to speak but he silences her with another kiss* I'm serious, love, because of you, I had the privilege of loving and marrying one of the most impossible women in the world. Because of you, I was able to become a father. Because of you, I have made life long friends like William and Emma. Because of you, I have learned that just because something is dark does not mean that it's evil. Because of you, this body still lives. Because of you, my shattered soul was born anew and is stronger than it ever was before. Because of son is alive, he is a good man, he is strong and kind...he doesn't hate me for not being there, for letting him die.'

'He did once but then he forgave you once he realized that the only reason why I was alive after saving him...was you. *looks at her in confusion* You have not yet been named or granted your purpose because you are not ready to receive them but you will. *still confused*

Third Captain of the Blood Guard, Commander of the Shield Corps, The Terror of The Deep. Poseidon of the Prism Guard and he is my God of the Sea.

That's who you will be one day but only when your own soul has deemed you ready. You already possess the brand, just as my Captain did. He needed to accept who he was meant to be in order to be claimed, but I don't know what it is that you need to do. You wouldn't tell me in the future. You just kept saying over and over that in order to become my god of the sea, you had to shatter a mirror that was not your own.'

Killian could only stare at her, for many reasons. One...he was Poseidon or would be at least. Two...he was a water elemental or would be because Silver had said that Poseidon was a water elemental. Three...he was somehow able to travel through time, into the past to save Artz, and subsequently raise his son. Four...he had to shatter a mirror that was not his own...Hook. way in hell. He may not fully trust the man but he sure as hell believed that he loved the Star Child and he would never do anything that could take him away from her again...once was enough, thank you very much, lesson learned.

He pushed those thoughts away as he lowered his head and kissed her again, gently and full of unexpressed emotions and desires. He pulled back when he got a bit light headed, only to realize that they were no longer in the crow's nest but in his quarters...on the floor to be exact. He looked at her and was immediately entranced by her eyes. They were glowing with ethereal light from within and sparkled like stardust. He smirked, causing her to frown.

'You really shouldn't have done that because I'm going to show you exactly how I feel.'

Artz: And....CUT!!!!!

Hook: Seriously, wench?

Artz: Not good?

Poseidon: Leave her alone. She's got a headache. Besides I absolutely love that bit with Silver. Bloody impactful that was.

Hook: She still petered out at the end.

Poseidon: She usually does. That's why she breaks it up into so many articles, to limit just how much that situation occurs. Doesn't like inflicting bad writing on people.

Hook: Just bad grammar and spelling.

Yuna: Now hold up one damn minute! Its not her fault that the phone can't keep up with how fast she types. It doesn't even register some of the words despite the fact that she actually did type them in!

Artz: *wanders off to find some media, leaving them to argue as much as they want*

Monday, June 29, 2020

Starsea - Part VII - Through The Mirror Darkly

Hey everyone and welcome back to the Realm! I know you're all dying to know what happens next considering I kind of left the last article as a cliffhanger and for good reason. Up until now, Killian has believed that Hook was a monster and should he ever rise again, then the Star Child would pay the price. He has spent all of his time with Artz trying to shield her from Hook which was a very bad thing to do. Why because there is nothing she would not do for her Captain.

The man known as Killian Jones could only stare at the sight before him, a horrified expression on his face. He had rushed at the Dark Captain, hoping to save the Star Child he loved so much, but she jumped in the way. His sword was now about two thirds through her chest, blood dripping off the blade. Why...why would she protect a monster? Had Hook truly broken her? He was taken by surprise by the Dark Captain's next words.

'Damn it, wench, not for me! The brat was supposed to protect you from me, from yourself and now you're dying...again! You're dying again...for me, but this time is different...this time you will not embark on this journey alone.'

The former lieutenant gasped in shock as the Scourge of the Sea reached around her and wrenched the hilt from his hand, making him stagger back a few steps to regain his balance. His eyes were wide and unblinking as the man he had once viewed as a monster drove the sword completely through her while simultaneously plunging the sword into himself until there was no room between them. Why...why would he do that? Killian was extremely confused, both his mind and heart in chaos.

'Wherever you go, I will always follow.'

'My Captain.'

'My Wench.'

In that moment, the younger Jones had a revelation. Hook didn't hate her...he loved her. That's why he couldn't remember a good chunk of their time together because the Scourge of the Sea had been falling in love just as he had, but why make himself out to be a monster? There was so many contradictions and empty spaces...too many unanswered questions.

He was broken out of his thoughts as the Captain and his wench fell to the floor, the ginger letting a quiet cry of pain. He moved forward to try to help, only to be stopped by Mister Silver.

'Stay back. If you come into physical contact with him, he'll be absorbed back into your body and the two of you will trapped inside the same body together for a very long time before another opportunity arises to separate you. *to Mister Smee* William, attend to my mother while I try to save the idiot I view as my dad.'

The ocean eyed man could only watch, feeling absolutely helpless with the guilt burning and churning inside his stomach. He caused this. If he hadn't been so focused on trying to be her shield and instead embracing her as he wanted to, he would have learned the truth about the Scourge of the Sea and this entire thing could have been avoided.

The golden light emanating from his first mate's hands gradually healed the wound and she let out a relieved sigh before falling unconscious. He looked over at the Dark Captain to see him standing on his feet, his left hand pressing against the wound. He noticed the brand on said hand which proved that the so called monster had been radically altered by the Star Child, resulting in his recruitment and it proved that he was completely wrong about Hook.

'Come here, brat.'

'I was told to stay away or we'll get stuck together again.'

'My wench is no longer dying but I am and I won't let her lose me because of your stupidity. You have two choices, brat; willingly or forcefully. Either way, it's gonna happen because I am a selfish bastard that will never that woman go.'

'Dad, just give me some time. I might be able...'

'I'm sorry, son. Truly I am, but I can't and won't take that chance. I can already feel my heartbeat slowing down, it's getting harder to breathe, my internal organs are starting to shut down and I can barely see. *sees the tears in the man's eyes* 

I know that you hate me and you think I'm a monster. *tears slipped down Hook's face* Yes, I altered my memories so that you wouldn't associate yourself with my actions, so you could be your own person and not a reflection of me. *more tears and is being supported by both Smee and Silver*

So much of what you remember about me is a lie, but you need to understand why. She died for me. It was her love for me that got her killed. Every day she drank my evening wine...slowly being poisoned by diluted Dreamshade. I never saw the effects because she had altered my perception. All I ever saw was the feisty wench that refused to yield yet obeyed every order I had given her.

*coughs up some blood, his body sagging and he was forced onto his knees* Every time she called me Her Captain, she was saying I love you. All that time and when I finally worked it out...she died...she died in my arms in the middle of the night...less than ten minutes after I told the bloody wench that I loved her. She was already unconscious by then.

I made you hate me so that you would protect her, not just from me but from herself. I pushed you forward, fully intent on never breaching the surface again, but when I no longer felt the constant warmth of her pendant, I began reaching out. It took some time but...*coughs up more blood, gasping for air*'

He didn't get the chance to continue because he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up, his eyes coming back into focus and mirrored obsidian met ocean ocean blue that shimmered with unshed tears.

'Shut up, idiot and get back in here before you keel over. We'll sort this out later.'

Both Silver and Smee assisted in reintegrating the two pirates back together and Killian lost consciousness but not before hearing the Scourge of the Sea say Thank you, Killian.

When the younger Jones awoke, he found himself floating underwater...the seascape again but why was it so dark? He couldn't see anything. Hell he couldn't even see himself. He shifted slightly, only to become aware of another body behind and a pair of arms wrapped around him.

'I wouldn't suggest moving, brat. I'm still trying to rebalance our body's life force. My brief stint outside caused me to have the majority of our physical energy. Now it's just a matter of finding the right amounts for everything.'

'Why's it so dark?'

'This is where you put me. Your anger and hatred shoved me to deepest recesses of your mind, but it's your fear and uncertainty that causes the darkness. I've actually gotten used to it. If you wish for it to be brighter than your feelings towards me would have to change and as of right now, I have done nothing to warrant your favor.'

Killian didn't respond right away, simply stayed still and silent. After several minutes, the water directly surrounding them became a little brighter, the darkness being pushed back enough so that they could at least see each other.

'How about we finish that conversation we were having before...that is if you can call it a conversation. I stood there, you rambled, and now is as good a time as any to continue.'

The Scourge of the Sea started laughing, true and genuine laughter. The younger Jones couldn't help but smile because it wasn't the laugh of a tyrannical monster rather the laugh of a good natured man. Hook managed to calm himself then cleared his throat.

'Right then, where was I? Ah yes, it took me some time to breach the surface considering you were actively trying to keep me inside, but I had to keep trying. I may not have been able to feel her emotions but I sure as hell felt yours and I knew that it was only a matter of time before you would try to send her away.

My wench...I knew she would never leave you. She's extremely stubborn when it comes to the people she cares for. Good ol' William can recount many a tale to you about that bloody minded wench. The problem lies within her loyalty to me and her feelings for you. She could not in good conscience allow you to keep suppressing me, but at the same time, she didn't want to hurt you.

Every tear that she shed was like a beacon, so I followed them and then I saw it...her pendant, shining like a star and I heard her crying out to me. To hear her screaming like that, so much anguish and grief, I finally just said to hell with this shit. The wench wanted her Captain and I promised Yuel that wouldn't hesitate, that I would go to my wench. I didn't actually expect us to split apart like that. Came as a bit of a shock.'

'That's putting mildly. I bloody panicked. The Scourge of the Sea was free and heading straight towards the very woman I had been fighting so hard to protect...only to end up running her through with my sword.'

The Captain of the Jolly Roger told the former lieutenant that the moment he had seen him draw his sword...he knew his wench would undoubtedly do something insanely reckless that would more than likely get her killed. Had he known that their first mate had the ability to heal, he wouldn't have acted so foolishly though he didn't regret his decision. He had spoken honestly and passionately, making it perfectly clear to his wench that he meant every word of his vow, that he would always follow her wherever she went.

The longer they conversed, the brighter their mental seascape became. It was still murky beyond the reefs but there was an entire patch of beautiful light colored sand and there was a light projecting through the surface of the water which just added a prismatic effect to the sand. All-in-all, it was utterly gorgeous and the ambience really helped to calm Killian's heart and mind. 

There was still a lot that they had to overcome because questions needed answering, memories needed revealing, and there was a crimson haired goddess waiting for them to wake which they had spent a great deal of time debating. Killian wanted Hook to take control so that he could once again be with the woman he loved, but the Dark Captain refused on the grounds of the wench's actions towards the brat.

'You need to go back. *cuts off the brat before he could start arguing again* You're not a member of the Guard so you can't hear it, but the wench is begging you to come back. You, not me. She didn't mean for things to end up like this and right now she is scared out of her mind because she can barely sense you at all. She is terrified of losing you. 

That's why you need to go back. You take care of the wench while I focus on our body. Lord knows how much time has passed but I do know that she has cried herself to sleep many times then called out to you in her dreams. There'll be plenty of time for me to be with my wench later but for some inexplicable reason, I have this I know that you need to be in control. Most likely Yuel's doing, she was the one to put me asleep after all.

The point, Killian, is that your feelings for the wench are not your own. They're mine. I may have made your mind forget but I couldn't contain my heart. Even now it's still effecting need to go back, sort yourself out, spend some time with her, and don't be surprised when you wake up one day and realize that she's stolen your heart. She makes it so fall in love with her. Don't be afraid to love her, brat.

One final thing before I punt your sorry ass out of this little piece of aquatic paradise...don't make her cry. I will know if you do and I won't hesitate to take control. She's gone through enough, damn it! She deserves some bloody happiness already! Now get OUT!!!'

The younger Jones awoke with a gasp, his eyes flying open. He let out a low groan of pain because it was rather difficult to breathe, but he soon understood why. The ginger haired woman that had come crashing into his life was currently asleep on his chest. He sighed quietly, knowing it was no use to move nor was it any use to argue with the Dark Captain.

Artz: Hmm...that's a first. I blanked mid thought. I was going somewhere with this but now I can't rightly recall exactly where. Oh well, it's a good place to stop anyways because the next segment of Starsea takes on an entirely different tone. Just a forewarning...the exact timeline of Killian's origin story has yet to be fully ironed out so if you get a little lost, its okay because I'll post a revamped version later.

Poseidon: Now she just has to find some images or gifs for this thing and she'll be able to post it...hopefully.

Hook: Oh yes, by all means, brat, go ahead and jinx the bloody woman.

Poseidon: And you might want to rephrase that. *pointing to the first image*

Hook: *rolls his eyes* Come on, brat. *kicks his legs out from under him, grabs the right ankle and proceeds to drag him away*

Poseidon: Seriously?! Let me go, you bastard! *is ignored and dragged down a different hallway and out of sight*

Hope: *pops up* That's what he gets for making his cameo too long. *shakes her head but then waves at everyone before slipping out of frame*

Ren: *drags herself into frame, waves lazily, then promptly falls asleep*

Anna: *sighs* And as always, I'm on clean up duty. *drags the out cold Ren towards the opposite frame*

Artz: Hey don't look a gift horse in the mouth. She's out cold so no social interaction.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Starsea - Part VI - Twilight of Life

Hey everybody and welcome back to the Realm! Last time ended pretty abruptly and the opposite will be true for this article because this is no longer about least for the time being...but about the man once known as The Terror of the Deep, Killian Jones. There is actually a reason why he is known by that particular title and it's basically the ultimate joke. More on that in a future post. Venture forth into Part VI of Starsea!

He stood in front of the wall mirror, staring at the image depicted within. The image was of Killian Jones, Captain of the Jolly Roger. He had short brunet hair and eyes the color of the ocean but in his recent memories, those eyes had been different. Pitch black orbs that shined with lust and cruelty...he shook his head, trying to rid himself of such horrible feelings. He knew that for a time he had gone by the name of James Hook, The Scourge of the Sea. It was so hard to believe that he was ever like that creature.

The things he did...evil, just plain evil. He destroyed everything he touched, took whatever he wanted, killed all who got in his way, but it was the women that paid the ultimate price. Hook had captured and broken countless women and Killian knew that he would never do that. He had promised his beloved Clare and his Swan Lake to never go that far and yet for some reason he had. No! He was Killian Jones! He was not that monster, that abomination! He was not James Hook! He was not the man that murdered Alice! His tirade stopped abruptly as he remembered brief snippets of his time with the fiery woman that bore the same name as his mother.

He sank into his chair, one arm on the table and the other arm rubbing his face like he was in pain and utterly exhausted which to be fair, he kind of was. The Scourge had bedded and beaten Alice so fiercely and so often that his own body was paying the price. He tried desperately not to think about what that bastard had done to her...he enjoyed every bit of it; stripping her of her freedom, bending her to his will, reveling in her pain, and loving every single moment when he made her lose herself to pleasure, making her scream for more and beg for his touch.

Killian felt like he was going to be sick and moments later, he threw up in a nearby bucket that was placed in his room by his first mate, Mister Smee. He asked how he had become his first mate and the man replied that his former first mate, Simeon Black, had attempted to use Alice's godson as leverage to make her submit to him, Hawthorne, and Jefferson which had genuinely surprised him. Mister Smee explained that Hook didn't like the fact that someone else had touched his wench and sent them to a place where they would live out their lives in agony. He was then promoted due to his friendship with Alice because it guaranteed that his property would not be tarnished by another.

Killian rinsed out his mouth and splashed water onto his face, the blue box around his neck catching his eye. It belonged to the feisty redhead that went toe to toe with the Scourge of the Sea...until he killed her. The image of her cold lifeless body laying on a bed of flowers flashed across his mind's eye and he felt such horrible guilt. Hook used his body to kill that woman and the bastard had been so fucking sadistic that he actually used diluted Dreamshade to slowly weaken her until one day, shortly after he had finished using her body yet again, she died.

Hook was a disgusting and foul beast unlike anything Killian had ever experienced before. He had been possessed or infected with a terrible evil that made him commit countless atrocities against a single woman that had done nothing to invoke his wrath yet treated her like she was nothing more than inanimate object to be used however he saw fit. He thought back to when the shift had occurred and it initially started at Milah's betrayal but went into full swing after he had taken her body to shore and burned her remains. Did that traitorous bitch curse him from beyond the grave or did he simply inherit the combined evil of Augustus Torrin and his filthy bitch?

Time was meaningless to the younger Jones and he was honestly surprised that his crew hadn't turned against him from the lack of adventuring. They just kept on sailing the sea he called home, restocking as needed before simply departing yet again. William Smee was turning out to be an incredible first mate. He was the perfect choice for his second in command. The only reason why he had reverted to Black after Clare died was because he didn't know any of his crew well enough to not stab him in the back. Only for that very man to torment poor Alice, but it still pissed him off that Hook viewed the woman as nothing more than a play thing. She was his property, not his lover. He called her his wench, basically telling the world that she was a slut that spread her legs only for him.

There was so much missing from his time with Alice. In fact, the last year or so of her captivity was nothing but a blur of sex and sleep. He couldn't recall anything specific at all except the fact that the Scourge held no regard for her physical health because he just continued using her while her body practically caved in on itself. She had lost so much weight that her skin had sunken in and he could see almost every bone in her body. Her pale white skin had always been so cold and dry, the lack of proper nourishment and rest taking its toll. Sweet lord, the bruises...there had been so many of them.

He felt the nausea coming but managed to keep the contents of his stomach from erupting though his chest and throat now burned quite painfully from the lingering stomach acid. He remembered the changes to her hair most of all because his favorite color was crimson red followed ironically by sapphire blue, a dark sapphire at that. Her hair had darkened during her captivity, turning from the shining crimson he loved so much to a dingy and dull brown color with a few dark auburn highlights. It was so dry and brittle that it had started thinning out. Another year or so and she probably would have been bald.

There was one thing about the memories of those times that really confused him...her eyes. Those deep sapphire orbs, exhausted and in terrible pain, but they never changed. Her eyes were always warm and kind, open and welcoming, and full of an emotion that should never have been directed towards that She had loved him...right from the start which didn't make sense because that would imply that she had met him before...met Hook before, but how could that be?

'To change the future is to change the past.'

That's what the blue clad woman had said in his dream after he had just found out that Clare had been pregnant with Erin.

'Lightning, it flashes bright then fades away. It can't protect, it only destroys. The sea makes for a much better shield than I could ever be. Find her...find our star...she shines only for you now.'

Liam...was the star he spoke of The Star Child? Is...was Alice the Star Child and he simply hadn't known it because he definitely recalled the times Hook spent with Silver Jones. How would the boy feel when he finds out about all the terrible sins committed against her by that monster? He wouldn't even be able to look the lad in the eye because his only excuse was that it wasn't him, but he had no physical proof of this. 

In fact, the only proof he had that Alice had been there at all was the pendant around his neck and a rather odd looking fob watch, a large one at that. It was a deep blue, almost black...very similar to the sea on a moonless night. The engravings were silver and in some kind of circular language that made his heart ache every time he looked at it, but the front of the watch was the most puzzling of all. At the center of the front side was a smooth circular stone that had an almost ethereal shine. It was extremely thin, so much so that he should have been able to see through it easily, but he couldn't...even if it went through the whole felt so deep like his beloved sea.

The former lieutenant was startled out of his thoughts, jolting slightly as there was a knock on the entrance of his quarters. He allowed the knocker entrance which turned out to be a rather excited and grinning Mister Smee. He asked the man what had made him so happy and his answer filled his stomach with dread and apprehension.

'Mister Silver is at the nearest port and is requesting permission to come aboard. It's been six and half years since we last saw him. Oh I bet he has a bunch of new dishes he wants to cook for us! Permission to head to the nearest port and retrieve Silver Jones, Chef extraordinaire of the Jolly Roger, Captain?'

The ocean eyed man nearly refused his first mate's request, but seeing his eyes so full of life and hope...he simply couldn't do it. So much pain and sorrow had occurred aboard this vessel already, no need to add to it simply because he was bloody petrified of their chef's possible reaction to certain events.


He was taken off guard when the man hugged him briefly, having been too caught up in the moment before dashing out of the captain's quarters and informing the crew of a change in course. He heard quite a bit of cheering when William Smee told the crew that the Wave Rider was returning home. Killian sank onto his bed and stared blankly at ceiling. Was Alice the Star Child...he needed to find out before they reached the nearest port. Fortunately, they were still several weeks out, having decided to sail in deeper waters for a time.

In the coming days, the Terror of the Deep searched through the ship's idea that Alice had come up with apparently and Mister Smee had implemented. Most of the books were more fact than mythos or even historical. The Star Child and her Guard held a very long history...eons supposedly. There had to be something! He swore his first mate could either read his mind or simply had the best timing in creation because he walked into the library carrying a stack of historical records and a bag with several large scrolls containing mythological tales.

'Oh...hello, Captain. Are you looking for something to pass the time or did you have something specific in mind?'

The pirate captain weighed the pros and cons of telling his first mate his suspicions...could he truly trust William Smee? All of a sudden his world spun and he found himself on the floor. There was a terrible ringing in his ears and he could not stop making the room spinning around. He was moments away from hurling, his stomach churning most mightily from extreme nausea. 

A gentle warmth spread through his body and the nausea faded. The warmth continued to move through his body until the room finally stopped going all over the place, but that's when he noticed that the palms of his first mate, Mister Smee, were glowing in a soft golden light that reminded him so much of his missing Swan Lake.

'Over exertion, lack of proper nourishment, dehydration, and a bit of liver damage but to be expected from someone that consumes alcohol on a semi-regular basis, but you have clearly been neglecting your personal health for the last seventeen months. That is unacceptable, Captain.'

His first mate's hands moved to his head and the ringing disappeared, along with a pressure that he hadn't even known was there, and out popped a woman's name.


Killian Jones found himself once again in that golden field, but something was wrong. The sky had been filled with the light of the setting sun the last time, but this was so dark and stormy...ominous.


That was her name! The blue clad woman with amber skin was named Kali but where was she? She had appeared straight away last time yet now she was nowhere to be seen. The ground beneath his feet gave out and he was plunged into water. Fortunately this was a dream so he knew he wouldn't drown, but when he breathed in the water...he kind of wished he hadn't because the water around him brightened and could see everything quite clearly...including a very large sea creature with tentacles and glowing red eyes...and it was staring straight at him.

He stared straight back, trying to understand why he wasn't bloody terrified out of his mind. He was a bit uncertain, yes, but there wasn't any actual fear. Then he did something completely stupid and started talking to the damn thing like it could actually understand him.

'Something's happened to Kali. She didn't come to me when I called. I need you to find her or at the very least find out what happened. I may not understand everything just yet but I know that she is important to the ocean that I sail and that you call home. I also know that I'm not afraid you and by all rights I should be but I'm not.'

The tentacled creature let out a whale like noise as it raised one of its tentacles towards him and stopped a short distance from him. He hesitantly reached out with his right hand and touched the tentacle.

The Captain bolted upright, breathing heavily. His chest was bare and he was covered in sweat. What the bloody hell was that all about? After he had touched the sea creature, he had some kind of weird vision thing but it had felt more like a memory but it was impossible. Why because Alice had been there. Under normal circumstances, this would not be an issue but he had been a child in that vision and she looked the same as the day Hook captured her ship.

He looked up as his first mate entered his quarters, carrying what appeared to be fresh water and clean rags. How long has he been out for? The moment Smee saw that he was awake, he hurriedly set down the tray and rushed over to him, attempting to push him back down.

'You need to rest, Captain! You've been gravely ill for almost a month!'

Month? He didn't feel ill...just confused. He looked at his first mate, really looking this time and he could see the genuine worry, not mere concern, but actual worry in the man's eyes. 

'Tell me something, William you view me as a friend?'

The only reason he was asking was because he was in desperate need of a willing ear, someone he could go to for advice without blabbing it to the entire crew, and then there was the fact that the man's powers felt similar to Swan's.

'No, Captain. You're family.'

Now that took him off guard. He hadn't expected the man to feel so strongly for him...especially after everything that had transpired with the Scourge of the Sea. He was broken out of his thoughts by his first mate, only to render him speechless.

'I knew that you wouldn't recognize me considering the last time I saw you was shortly after you met Her Ladyship. You and Liam were practically obsessed with her. For a long time, I was jealous and even angry because in my mind, she had stolen my only friends. When I became an adult, I decided to join the Navy so I could get as far away as I could and who was the first person I collided with...the daughter of the Star Child, the Magi of Light, Venus.

She sensed something inside of me, something that was trying to claw its way into being, devouring my soul in the process. Venus...she saved me. She drove out the creature within me but in order to keep me safe, she made me into a vessel of power...her vessel. She filled my entire being with her golden light and told me to use it only on you and her mother.'

'Alice...was Alice the Star Child?'

Bloody hell, why did he just blurt out his thoughts like that? Was it because they had supposedly been friends when they were children...why doesn't he remember William?

'Seeing as we'll be reaching port in a few hours, I'll answer that question and the answer is yes and no. The woman you knew as Alice was indeed the Star Child but Alice is not her true name nor is she dead.'

Killian's eyes widened in shock. Alice wasn't dead?! That was impossible! He...Hook had seen her lifeless corpse, had slept next to her as the warmth of life had faded's impossible, absolutely impossible!
'There is a saying associated with the Child of the Stars. If something is impossible then she is definitely involved. Her Guard were able to successfully revive her, but it took her quite a while to recover and if I was a betting man, I'd say that when Silver comes on board so will she.'

His first mate left to get him something to eat and suggested that he make himself presentable. Wouldn't want to make a bad impression, now would he? The younger Jones followed the man's advice, getting cleaned and dressed. He reached for his coat, but then remembered how much Hook had loved that coat. He grabbed it and tossed it in the back of the closet, not wanting anything to do with it or him. He looked down at what he was wearing...too similar.

He went digging through his clothes, trying desperately to find something that didn't scream Hook. He was surprised when he found a trunk at the bottom of the closet...that hadn't been there before. He knelt down to examine it, looking very much like an ordinary trunk. He undid the latches and lifted the lid, smiling slightly at the rather foreign looking clothing. He remembered Swan wearing clothing of similar design, albeit surprisingly feminine for such a masculine style. He quickly dressed and took a look at himself in the mirror. Blimey, he looked good...exotic too.

Smee called to him, saying that they were about to dock, and he took a few moments to steady himself, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. He reopened his eyes and went above deck, watching his crew work diligently to tie off the ship and securing it fully to the dock. The Terror of the Deep put on a mask of calmness as the silver haired lad boarded the ship, more like jumped on the ship with a massive grin on his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but Silver spoke first.

'Killian Jones, as I live and breathe. It's been a while since I last saw you. I had hoped to see the Captain again, but no use lingering on what was. There is, however, a slight problem in whether or not you remember the orders he left about my mother.'

So it was true...that part of the Scourge's memories was indeed accurate, but that conflicted with the beast that Killian remembered. The Hook in his memories would not have given orders like that, especially after how he had treated Alice aftet said orders were given. It was a moot point. That creature was gone and he was once more in control of his own body.

'Aye, I remember and I will honor his words.'

A cloaked figure came on board and the younger Jones had to keep himself from audibly gulping and balling his fists to hide his sweating palms. He was taken off guard when the cloak collapsed in on itself, falling to the floor, and moments later, a small weight disappeared from around his neck. He reached up and realized that Alice's pendant was gone, resulting in one very pissed off Captain demanding for its return.

'Oh do say please, you arrogant sod. Nice to know some things never change, little Killi.'

That voice...Alice! He looked up and caught the briefest glimpse before she started jumping about then pushed off from the main mast, spinning and flipping several times midair, before landing like a badass directly in front of him with a smirk that would have made the devil proud. Around her neck was the blue box that he has worn every day for eighteen and a half months.

His eyes soaked up every detail about her. Her hair was once more the majestic crimson he loved so much, woven into a single braid. Her dark sapphire eyes sparkled and shined, glowing with a light from within. Her skin held a healthy glow and her bones were no longer on display. He realized that she wore clothing that was far too similar to the Scourge's for his liking, specifically the vest and he wouldn't be surprised if it did once belong to Hook. She wore dark trousers similar to Clare's and a white long sleeved shirt similar to Swan's. It was like she was an amalgam of the people in his life. Even his brother was represented in the way her sword was attached to the back of the belt instead of to the side...though she carried two and they were shorter than the average sword.

He was broken out of his thoughts when the woman he had been silently analyzing for two minutes started kissing him and rather passionately at that. He wasn't entirely sure what to do; should he respond or should he push her away? At the very least, he wanted to know what to do with his damn hands?! Dear God, why was it always the most impossible women that were capable of rendering him speechless and unable to move?!

Fortunately she relinquished him, giggling at his shell shocked state. He stared at her with his hands slightly raised, very much like with Clare though less pronounced. He lowered his hands and cleared his throat before welcoming her aboard the pirate vessel known as the Jolly Roger. He gestured to his first mate, saying that he would get settled into her quarters.

'That won't be necessary, William. I'll be staying in the captain's quarters. *looks to Killian who is about to suggest that she would feel more comfortable elsewhere* Don't bother, little Killi. I happen to quite like them. Besides this will allow us to discuss private matters without having to constantly seek each other out.'

What did she mean by private matters? Oh he found out relatively quickly over the next few weeks. How you may preventing the woman from jumping his bones. She was rather adamant in her pursuit, her advances being quite passionate, but he refused her every time despite the fact that every part of him wanted her. For it was through Hook's memories that he had fallen in love with her which was all the more reason to stay away. 

The dark haired pirate refused to let that beast harm her anymore, but every time he denied her, the more frustrated she became, bringing her to tears quite often and making his heart break every time...but it was the only way he could protect her, to shield her from the darkness within himself...a force that was building inside him and he was fighting so hard to keep the monster restrained. It was at the beginning of her fifth week on board that he realized that if she stayed on board, the Scourge would rise again, so when they made port that evening, he told her to get off his ship and never come back. He kept his back to her so that he wouldn't see her face and she wouldn't see his pain.

'Killian...why are you doing this? Why are you pushing me away? I know what is in your heart Killian Jones, I've always known. Every day you wore my pendant, I could feel you and the love you have for me. That's why I chose to come with Silver, even though it meant acknowledging the fact that my Captain was no longer here.'

Killian snapped, his rage and pain fueling his words.

'How can you call that thing, Your Captain?! After everything he did to you, how much he hurt you?! How can you have any kindness for that terrible creature?! He beat you, used you, tortured you...he bloody murdered you! Tell me...tell me why, during that whole time, your eyes never changed!'

'Because he is my Captain. He has always been my Captain and he always will be. Oh and for the record, he didn't kill me...that was the trio of idiots; Black, Hawthorne, and Jefferson. They are the ones that killed me, not him...never him. Why because he loves me.'

'No, he doesn't and i remember quite clearly how he felt about you. He enjoyed every second of bending you to his will, using you like you were a toy to play with and nothing more. He hated you, despised you...I'll admit that he was possessive but that's only because he viewed you as his property, calling you his wench and declaring to the world that the Star Child was his own personal whore. 

He never loved you at all and you need to accept that because I won't be able to protect you from him forever. He's already trying to claw his way out and sooner or later, I will lose which is why you have to leave. I'll do whatever it takes to shield you from that monster!'

The look on her face, it was wrecking his heart and his resolve was wavering. His control was beginning to slip and he could feel Hook pushing even harder. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she begged him to release the Scourge of the Sea, to give back her beloved Captain. No! He refused to give up!


He watched as she fell to her knees and just wept...he couldn't do this, but he didn't understand. Hook was a monster...wasn't he? The one single moment of doubt was all the Scourge of the Sea needed to fully extract himself from the best and Killian watched in shock and alarm as Hook emerged from his body...with a body of his own.

'On your feet, wench. *the redhead's eyes snapped upwards and she smiled* Your Captain has given you an order, wench, and you will obey.'

'As my Captain commands so shall it be.'

She rose to her feet, wiping away her tears in the process. Hook took a step towards the Star Child and Killian's mind filled with images...the memories of everything the monster had done to her. He shouted out No! before pushing the bastard to the opposite side of the ship. He had to push the ginger in the other direction to prevent her from going to that terrible creature. He drew his sword from its sheath and charged at the Scourge of the Sea, fully intent on killing him and not a single shred of doubt in his mind.

Hook: You just love dragging things out, don't you wench?

Artz: *sheepish* The article got a bit longer than I originally intended so that's why I'm stopping it here.

Poseidon: *staring at an image in her downloads file* Yeah nope, she's not dragging it nor is she going for suspense.

Hook: *walks over to him and looks at the image himself* Bloody hell, wench.

Artz: *giggles* Its perfect, I know.


Yuna: *punts them out of the article* What do you think she is trying to do, idjits!